Chapter 1

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Victoria's POV
"Wake up Vic, time for breakfast." My Aunt Jenna yelled up the stairs. "Coming." I shouted back as I sat up in bed. I pulled on a sweater as I ran down the stairs. It was starting to get colder now as it was November. "I smell pancakes" I exclaimed as my stomach growled. "Where is everyone?" I asked my aunt while digging into the pancakes. "Well Elena's at the Salvatore's and Jer's hanging out with Matt today." "What about school?" I asked, confused. "Um it's a Saturday Vic" my aunt said. "Are you sure you're awake today?" "Yup, totally am" I yawned. My aunt gave me a concerned look. "Are you alright?" She asked. "You've been acting different the past couple of weeks." "I'm fine" I said getting up to put my dishes in the dishwasher. Except for the fact that I found out my sisters boyfriend and his brother are vampires everything's dandy I thought. (Btw Jenna doesn't know they're vampires yet) "we'll I gotta run to a meeting but I'll see you for dinner ok?" my aunt said whilst giving me a hug. "You bet cha" I said, walking her to the door. After she left I ran upstairs to take a shower. I curled my wavy brown hair and wore my glasses. The only way people can tell me and my sister apart is that I have glasses and wavy hair while Elena has straight hair.

Half and hour later, I was headed to the Salvatore's. Caroline called me on the way there. "Hey Vic" "Hey Care" "where are you?" "Driving to the Salvatores" I said stopping at a street light" "ok well I'm going there too and I was wondering if you could give me a ride?" "Of course Care" " Thank you so much bye" No problemo muchacho." I heard her laughing as I hung up. After picking up Caroline from her house we headed to the Salvatore's house. "Are you still mad at Elena?" Caroline asked hesitantly. I looked over at her. "Of course I am. We're sisters and we promised that after Mom and Dad died we would take care of each other and she lied to me." Caroline played with her hair. "But you can't be mad at her forever" "oh yeah, watch me." we pulled into the driveway. "We're here." I sighed. Caroline got out of the car. "You coming?" She asked. I sighed. "Yup."

Elena's POV
"What am I gonna say to her?" I said pacing the floor. We were in the Salvatore's living room waiting for Caroline and Victoria to arrive. "Tell her you are sorry and that you were just protecting her." Stefan said, stopping my pacing to pull me into a hug. I sighed. "I'm just worried about how she's handling it." I said. "Hey, look at me. Everything's going to alright, ok?" I nodded. "Ok." "Isn't this cozy?" Damon smirked as he entered the room. "Has Vampire-Barbie and Victoria come yet?" he asked. "Yup" said Stefan. He probably heard their car with his vampire hearing. "Here goes nothing."

Victoria's POV
I walked inside without knocking. Elena, Stefan and Damon were all standing in the living room. "Let's get this over with" I said whilst helping myself to a glass of bourbon. I sat down on the couch next to Damon. "So what's the plan?" I asked looking at them. They all looked back at me. "What?" I asked. "Do I have something on my face?" I ask while consciously  touching my face. "No you don't." Caroline said smiling. "Ok well I brought some grimoires that has some spells I thought would help to bring Elena back without turning into a vampire." I said looking up at them. Elena was awkwardly standing there while Caroline and Stefan were sitting on the couch opposite Damon and I. "Victoria, I'm sorry - Whatever save it for later." I snapped causing her to look hurt. I don't like hurting Elena but she lied to me and that is unacceptable! "So what exactly does the spell do." Stefan asked diverting my attention from Elena. I hesitated. "I don't really know." I said quietly. "What?" Damon yelled. "It's just it's a really complicated spell and we need a powerful witch to do the spell. "Why did you even bring this then? You know there are no witches willing to help us and Bonnie's lost her magic." Damon said. "Well she's working in the new magic called expression magic." Elena said, looking at me. The others continued thinking of a plan while a horrible idea formed in my head. "What is it Vic?" Caroline asked me. Everyone turned to me. "Um I have an idea but you won't like it." "Anything will do at this point." Damon said. "Be quiet for once in your life and listen to Vic" Elena said. I looked at her gratefully. "Thanks. Well I was thinking that at the ritual I would replace Elena and beforehand one of you two would feed me your blood and then I would become a vampire. You said yourself you don't want to be one and we can't find a different solution" I said looking at Elena. She looked shocked and horrified at the same time. "No way! you're not sacrificing yourself for your sister!" Damon yelled. "Yeah we'll find another way" Stefan was saying. "Fine but if you guys don't find another way by tomorrow- Yeah we get it." Damon interrupted. "Good, I'm glad we're on the same page" I said standing up. "Where are you going?" Caroline asked. "To the Grill" I said.

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