Chapter 17

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Elena's POV
I'm currently sitting in the passenger seat of Katherine's car. She and I are looking for Victoria while Damon and Stefan try to find a witch to bring Bonnie back. I think that Bonnie will be Victoria's emotional trigger to turn her humanity back on. Right now were following a lead on Victoria. Apparently a couple of days ago, there was a man found dead in the middle of the road. With no head. If that wasn't a vampire then what was it? "Don't worry, we'll did her." Katherine says. "I hope so." I look out the window to see a sign that says "Shelburne." We're here. We pass through the silent town. "Where is everyone?" Katherine says the question that was in my mind. "I don't know." We pull over on the side of the road. I stretch my legs and walk to the trunk of the car. There, I get some vervain grenades and some stakes. Just in case. Katherine watches me all the while. "Are you sure that it's necessary to bring all this stuff?" She asks me as we start to walk down the sidewalk. Yeah. Victoria's an experienced fighter who is a vampire and a witch. We need to be prepared." "And then what? Lock her up until she switches her humanity switch?" "No! Damon and Stefan are finding a witch to bring Bonnie back! And she's Victoria's emotional trigger." "There is no bloody witch okay? It was just a lie! Victoria isn't going to come back!" Katherine breaks down. I didn't know there was no witch. I rub Katherine's back and pull her into a hug. "It's okay Katherine we'll find her. I know we will okay?" I say rubbing her back. Her mascara is running and her face is all blotchy. "You really care about her don't you?" She nods. "I thought that I'd never say this but you are a very caring person when it comes to my sister you know that?" She laughs and looks down at her shoes. She looks up and freezes. I stop too. "What?" I look up to see Klaus Mikaelson standing there.

Victoria's POV
I've never been in an airplane before until now I realized. I look out the window. It's nice to not care about everything. What people think of me, always having to help everyone. I remember when I was a kid, I'd always wanted to travel the world. Now I can do that and there's no one to stop me. Someone sits beside me. "Hey there." I look over at them and look out the window again. They speak again. "My name's Sarah! What's your name?" I turn to them as I roll the name through my mind. Do I know the name Sarah? Oh yes! Sarah the wolf and someone else too. Something about Stefan's great niece or something like that. Elena told me about her on our way to Mystic Falls. I smile at her. "I'm Victoria. Where are you headed?" "Well I'm going to go see some relatives because I'm on a break from school right now." "Cool! Where do you go? If you don't mind my asking." She smiles. She has a nice face. "Duke University." Yes this is Stefan's niece. A plan starts to form. I clear my throat. "So Sarah where are you going to see your relatives?" "They live in Italy." "Who'd a thought? I'm going there too! " We fall silent as the plane starts it's engine, roaring loudly. I look out the small window as the ground begins to go by faster and faster. I close my eyes as I feel the bump into the air and I eventually drift off to sleep. I have a feeling that it's going to be a fun ride!

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