Chapter 12

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Elena's POV
I woke up around sunrise. It was 6am. I sat up and looked around the room. I was sleeping in a queen sized bed with a purple duvet. There was a wallpaper with a flower design. In the corner of the room was a swing hanging from the ceiling. Across from the bed was a mahogany desk. There was also a vanity table and a dresser. I got up and had a shower. When I was done, I wore a red dress with flats. I walked downstairs to breakfast. "Is Victoria back yet?" I asked and began to eat my breakfast. "No" Katherine looks worried. "I'm sure she's fine" I say reassuringly. Then her phone rings. It's Victoria. "Vic! Are you ok?" I can hear the panic in her voice. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I hear Victoria say. She sighs in relief. "Thank god! If something would've happened to you I would probably have killed Klaus. She laughs. "Now there's the Katherine Pierce that I know." "So are you guys coming back now or?" "Yup I'll see you soon Kit Kat." "I love you" "Love you too" I clear my throat. "Well I guess they're on their way. "I can't wait to see her" I say excitedly. "Me either" I smile at her. "So are guys going to come back home?" She looks me. "What do you mean home? This is Victoria and I's home." " I know but it would be nice to have you guys around more often." She sighs. "I'll think about it." I grin. "Thanks Kat. Is it okay if I call you that?" "Sure" I suddenly remember something. "The other day" I begin "You were giving me this weird look." I say awkwardly. She thinks for a second. "Oh yeah." "Why was that?" She sighs and runs her hands through her hair. "History is repeating itself." She says finally. "What- I mean You, Stefan and Damon." I shake my head. "History isn't repeating itself" I say. "Yes it is Elena. I know that you want to deny it but it's true. It's ok to love them both. I did." I shake my head once more. "I may have thought that I loved Damon but that was only because of the sire bond." I explain. Katherine sighs in exasperation. "See? This is what you do Elena! You push away your feelings and that's why you can never choose between them." "That's not true." I say. Before Katherine can continue we hear a noise coming from outside. We look at each other. "What was that?" I ask. "I don't know." She replies. We walk to the door cautiously. The sun blinds me for a moment before my eyes adjust to the light. "Oh." I say. It's just Damon and Stefan playing football. "Can we play?" I ask. They look over at us. "Sure." Damon says. I pull Katherine along with me until we reach the boys. We split into two teams. Katherine and Stefan versus Damon and I. We play for a few minutes. By that time, were all sweaty and dirty from pushing each other to the ground. Since it's summer, the dust clings to me. It's smells bad. I hear a car engine. It starts to come up the long driveway that leads to their house. Katherine stands up. "Their here." She exclaims and runs to meet the car. We all follow suit. We stop in front of the house and watch the SUV draw nearer. I can see two people in the car. One is Victoria and the other is Klaus. At the back of my mind, I wondered where they had got the car from. I hoped that Victoria was safe and she wasn't injured. I wondered how it went with Klaus. If she was able to get through to him or not. All of these thoughts were swirling in my mind as they pulled up beside Damon's car. Victoria got out and stretched. I could see there was blood all over her sweater but besides a few cuts and bruises she was fine. I breathed a sigh of relief. Nothing had happened to her. Thank God, I thought. Victoria turned to wait for Klaus. She hadn't noticed us yet. She was talking about something and it looked like it was about the pack of wolves that lived near their house. She paused when she saw all of us standing there. She waved. She and Klaus walked over to us. When she reached us, Katherine drew her into a fierce hug. They stood like that for a bit before letting go of each other so Katherine could look her over. "You don't look any different" Katherine commented as she touched Victoria's cheek. "But you do seem different here." She tapped Victoria's forehead . I silently agreed. She'd only been here for like a minute and I could already tell that something was different with her. I cleared my throat. Victoria turned to me. I threw my hands around her. "How did it go?" I asked. I noticed that Klaus was now talking to Stefan and Damon. "Good." She yawns. "Sorry" she said, covering her mouth. "I was up all night with Klaus." Katherine nods towards the house. "You should go get some rest Vic." She nods. "I will but I'm a say bye to Klaus first." Im confused. "Wait? He's leaving?" She looks at me. "Yeah. He doesn't want to take the chance again of Silas possessing him." She shudders when she says that. "I see his point." Klaus finishes speaking to the boys. He turns to Victoria. His eyes shine with gratitude. "Thank you again Victoria for helping me. If you hadn't stepped in, you and Damon would probably both be dead right now. I shake off the image. "Don't forget what Sarah told you." And at that she pulls him into a hug. She steps back to let him say goodbye to Katherine. I look at the open field in front of me. I miss Bonnie so much. I hope that we can bring her back soon. Stefan comes to stand beside me. He wraps his arms around me. I turn around so I can face him. "Do you think it'll work? Will we see Bonnie again?" "I think it's a positive yes" he says before closing the distance between our lips. After a while we separate and we rejoin the others. We all wave to Klaus as he drives away. As soon as his car is out of sight, Victoria goes upstairs to bed. We spend the day packing to go back to Mystic Falls. We leave the next morning.
OMFG!! I signed into wattpad to see that 254 people have read my book! 😜Ghjjbfdouyrewbvaq how is this possible? Sorry for the filler chappies but it'll get better soon, I promise. 😊😍😘


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