Chapter 5

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Victoria's POV
I couldn't look. I closed my eyes and the next I knew, the poor girls heart was across the clearing. There stood Stefan. What was he doing here? I looked at him confused. He saw Aunt Jenna and tried to tackle Klaus. He was stopped by the witch Gloria who was giving him one of those witchy migraines. "Go! Run!" I screamed at Stefan. Finally the witch stopped and he stood up. "Take me" he said looking at Klaus. "Kill me instead of Jenna" I looked at Stefan horrified at the thought. "NO!" He looked at me and mouthed "I love you" Klaus started laughing. we both looked at him confused. "I'm not going to kill your boyfriend just yet" Klaus said, turning to me. "Why I have great plans for the famous ripper" "why don't we talk about it?" Stefan said. Then they vampire sped to the top of the hill where I could not hear them. I turned to my aunt. "Auntie?" She turned to me. "Can you hear what they're saying?" She looked at me confused. "Vampires have super hearing, so they can hear things from far away. Try to focus on what they're saying." She turned to the hill, her ears perked up. "Stefan wants to replace me to die" her voice faltered. "I don't want to die Lena" panic was evident in her voice. I spoke in a soothing tone. "I'm not going to let you die Auntie" I suddenly had an idea. "Turn it off" she looked at me funnily. "What?" I explained. "Vampires can turn off their emotions. If you turn off your emotions then you won't be scared anymore" Before I could finish Klaus and Stefan returned. Klaus cleared his throat. We have made a deal" my heart lifted. Then, Klaus dug a stake in Stefan's back, crushing my hopes. "No!" I cried as Stefan fell to the ground. I looked over at Aunt Jenna. "Don't worry Lena" she said. " I know why I need to do" The fire around her had ceased. She looked at me a final time before vampire speeding to the witch and biting her. Klaus stopped her before Jenna could kill the witch. "You have been very uncooperative young lady" he growled and ripped her heart out right in front of me. it felt like time stood still as I watched my aunts lifeless body fall to the ground. I couldn't move it do anything. I felt dazed as I watched Klaus feed the witch his blood to heal her. That was two parts of the ritual done. I was the last part. Klaus needed to drink my blood until I died. I looked over at Stefan who was trying to take the stake out of him self still. He looked at me and I that one moment I felt fear. I was going to die. Klaus was now standing in front of me. The fire around me had died without me realizing it. He gently pulled me to my feet. "I am truly sorry Elena" I looked at him with a hatred so great that I've never experienced before. "Go to hell" I spat. He just laughed and sunk his fangs into my neck. I was watching Stefan and he looked at me helplessly. My vision started to go blurry and then it just was darkness. I was dead.

Victoria's POV
The first thing I realized when I came to, was that I was very thirsty. I groaned sitting up and I saw the Salvatore brothers staring at me in astonishment. I got up unsteadily. "What, but how is this possible?" Stefan spluttered. "Are you alright?" Damon asked concerned. I ignored their questions. I held my head in my hands and asked " where's Katherine?" They looked at me confused. "How-how are you alive right now?" Stefan asked me while pulling me into a hug. "I need to see Katherine" I saw realization dawn on Damon's face. "You're-you're not Elena aren't you?" "No" I confessed. "Don't worry though, she's safe somewhere." Damon interrupted me. "Somewhere what do you mean somewhere?" "Relax" I said in a soothing tone. "She's in the basement of Katherine's house and there's a witch named Bree protecting her." Both Damon and Stefan relaxed. "Wait a minute" Stefan said. I turned to him "What?" "How are you alive right now?" I looked at them, waiting for them to realize what had happened. "You're dead aren't you?" Damon said. I nodded at him. "Good job Damon two plus two." I stood up. "Where are you going?" They both asked me. "Katherine's house" I said obviously. "But you just died" Damon stuttered. I laughed. "Duh dumbass" I felt woozy for a second. "Woah" Damon held me up. "I'm fine, I'm fine" He let go of me. "You need to feed to complete the transition" Damon said. " Yaya i know" I said impatiently. I headed to the door. They both vampire sped front of me. I stopped. "Move"i said. "No" said Stefan. "You just sacrificed yourself for your sister. You have some serious explaining to do" "Ya" said Damon. "You said you were strong enough to do the spell- well I lied ok?" I snapped. Suddenly tears started forming in my eyes. "Your very emotional because emotions are heightened right now" "Duh" I said to Stefan while wiping away the tears. He stepped towards me. "I can help you" "No I'm fine" "No your not" Damon said also stepping toward me. I panicked. Without thinking, I put my hands in front of me to do the witchy migraine spell. It worked. My mouth made a perfect "o" as they both fell to the ground. How was this possible. I was a vampire and a witch.
I stepped over them to leave but before I did I said "Tell Elena that I love her and goodbye". With that, I fled the scene into the unknown.

Hey guys! Comments on how the story's going? So the next chapter is going to start at the ending of season 4 ( the last episode-4x23 graduation) About a year has passed. Btw Katherine didn't kill Jeremy so Bonnie isn't the anchor. Tessa's still alive. That's about it my lovelies! Thanks for putting up with my awful writing and happy family day weekend! Oh and happy Friday the 13th! Ooh! Watch out for black cats! 😊😘❤️

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