Chapter 16

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Elena's POV
I checked my phone. About an hour had passed since Victoria left. It shouldn't take this long. I start to worry. What if Victoria wasn't strong enough to do the spell? What happened? My phone lights up. I got a message. Filled with relief, I check the screen. I gasp horrified. "What?" Katherine asks me. Wordlessly I hand her the phone. It's Silas and he's dead. "What? How is this possible?" Katherine asks no one. I don't answer. Where's Victoria? What about Bonnie? Is she alive? I get up shaking. "I'm going to the cemetery." "I'll come with." Katherine follows me out the door and into the night.

Victoria's POV

I wonder where I should go. I've always wanted to go to Paris. Or maybe New York. The possibilities are endless. I steal someone's car and just start driving. I don't know where I'm going. I look in the rear view mirror. No ones there. I press the gas pedal down and the car picks up speed. It takes me a while to realize the police car behind me with flashing lights. Sighing, I pull over. An officer about 50 walks up to the window and motions for me to roll down the window. I do. He leans. "Do you realize that you were going 20 km above the speed limit miss?" I look up into his watery eyes. I try to sound as innocent as possible. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry Officer I didn't know I was going that fast." I put my hand on his arm. He looks at it. He straightens up and then says "Alright. I guess I could let it slip just this once." I smile. "Thank you." I can't help it but then my eyes turn veiny and I sink my fangs into his neck. The blood tastes so good. I don't stop until he's drained, then he head comes off. I push him out the window and continue on my way. I've decided to go to Italy.

Elena's POV
We take my car to the cemetery. We walk silently to the Salvatore family crypt. No ones there. "Hello?" Victoria are you in here?" After a moment Katherine says, "I don't think she's here. You should call her." I nod and pull out my phone. I dial her number and it goes straight to voicemail. That's weird. Victoria always answers her phone. "We should think like Victoria would" Katherine suggests. I nod and pretend to be my twin. I wonder if she got that text of Silas dead too or was she te one who killed him? No Victoria doesn't like to kill people. I think harder. What would Victoria do if she knew Silas was dead. Suddenly a spark ignites in my mind. I jump up scaring Katherine. "What would Victoria do if she found out Silas was dead and there was no way to bring Bonnie back?" She looks confused for a second but then she gets it as well. I sigh. "We better start looking for her." I know what Victoria did. She turned off her humanity.

Hey! So I'm  really sorry for being kind if a ghost lately but I'm going to be writing a lot this weekend and hopefully posting by the end of it! Anyways I can't believe that I have 622 reads in this book! This is insane! I love u guys for being patient and reading my lousy writing skills! Happy Easter! 😊💐🌸🌷🍀🌹🌻🌺


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