Chapter 10

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Elena's POV
It was time to meet Silas. The plan was that Damon, and Victoria would meet with Silas while Katherine, Stefan and I would stay at the house. Beforehand, Victoria did protective spells around the property so that only certain people could enter plus the wolves were also watching us. Damon and Victoria were going to leave at 6:30 so they could be there by 7. We were saying goodbye to them right now. I looked at my sister. She had grown up so much this past year and I was sad that I wasn't able to see her grow into the beautiful, young, stubborn woman that she now was. I looked at her sternly. "Promise me that you will come back to me Victoria" "I promise" "Be safe" she told me. "You too" "I love you Lena" she said then went to say goodbye to Katherine. I looked at Damon. Sighing, I walked over to him. He was looking at the end of the driveway. I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around. "Hey" "hey" "be safe out there ok?" He nodded. "And keep an eye out for Victoria please. I know that she's grown a lot but she's still my little sister" He interrupted. "Don't worry Lena, I'll take good care of her" I smiled at him. "Thank you" I gave him a hug. After a second he returned the gesture. I let go of him and he joined Victoria. We all waved to them as we watched their retreating figures go down the driveway. Headed to what would decide what would happen to us.

Victoria's POV
I wasn't actually that nervous for some reason. I thought my pants would've been wet by now by nope. "So Vic" Damon said. I looked over at him. "Yeah?" "Any guys in your life?" I laughed. "What?" "What? I'm just trying to make conversation" he said. I shook my head. "You're ridiculous Damon" I said. "Whatever you say" he smirks at me. He looks at me expectantly. "What?" I finally ask him. "You didn't answer my question." he says simply. I blush thinking of someone. "Are you blushing Vic?" I swat him on the arm. "No I'm not" "yes you are" I blush even more at this. "Haha see." He looks triumphant. "Spill" I sigh. "Well his name is Toby. He has green eyes like the forest, he has blond hair, he's tall, athletic, he likes to horseback ride like me and he's my best friend." I say. "Aww you got friend zoned." He laughs at me. I pout at him. "Shut up." I say. "What does Katherine think of him?" "She loves him" I say. "Oh and he's also a witch." "Hmm I'm sensing a soulmate" Damon teases me. "Damon I swear to god if you don't shut up this instant I'm going to-what? Force me to go horseback riding?" I think for a minute. "Damon"i exclaim. "That's actually a good idea. Good job!" He looks offended. "Hey I am pretty smart you know" he says. I laugh. "Yeah your a total genius. Your like an Einstein 2.0" I say teasing him. He becomes serious then. We're here. I was so busy talking to Damon that I didn't even notice that we had arrived.
4728 Fells Church Road. We approached the dark building. As we drew nearer I saw that a light was on in one of the main floor rooms. Damon and I entered the house without having to be entered in. "The owner died a long time ago." I explain to Damon. We go around the house until we come to the right room. There is Klaus-no Silas sitting casually on the couch reading a book of all things. I march over to him. I knock the book out of his hand. "We're here let's get this over with." he stands up to pick the book up. He sets it in the table beside him. He gestures to the armchairs across from the couch that he's on. "Please be seated." We both sit down. "As you both know, I want to join with my dear Amara- Yes we know that but we need something in return." He turns to look at me. "Yes anything." I clear my throat and look at Damon. He nods at me encouragingly. "We need you to bring our friend Bonnie back from the dead." He looks at me. "I can and will as soon as I return to my own body." I start to protest. "Ah ah ah. Silence young witch." I stop protesting. "you do realize that tonight is a full moon right?" I look at Damon as a feeling of dread comes upon me. "You knew that didn't you?" I ask. He just shrugs. I stand up and take a step towards him. He smirks. "Oh I wouldn't do that" he says. "If I were you I would be running as far as possible from this body." Then he closed his eyes. After a while he collapsed. When he opens his eyes he looks confused. It must be Klaus. "Where am I?" He asks as he stands up. I take a cautious step toward him. "Silas possessed you but that's not the important part." I continue. "The important part is that tonight is the full moon Klaus. He looks at me. "It's too late for you to be chained up or anything but I think I can help you because- Are you mad Vic?" He yells. "You'll be dead by morning." "I know the risks but I want to try it and I want you to respect my decision. Klaus looks at Damon. "Get her out of here." He nods and takes my arm, pulling me to the door. I try to hold my ground but Damon is much older than me. We start running as fast as vampirely possible. I don't know where we are. "We're lost." I yell at Damon. All of a sudden a breeze goes by us. It's too late. Klaus has already turned. We're as good as dead.

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