Chapter 2

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Victoria's POV
I lied. I wasn't going to the Grill. I was actually going to my best friend Katherine's house. She was always there when I needed her and and I was there for her. I was currently sitting in her kitchen in her house. She also lives in Mystic Falls. "Thanks" I said when she passed a cup of tea. "You're welcome, you look like you needed it" "that's for sure" I said draining the cup. "So how's plan save Elena" she asked arching a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "We'll for one thing it's sucks" I sighed rubbing my temple. "Aww whys that?" Katherine asked, rubbing my back. "I can't find a bloody spell to save her and the others shot down down my other idea- which was what? "She looked interested. "That I would replace Elena and become a vampire." I said. "What? No, nuh uh your not becoming a vampire just because of my doppelgänger bitch" she spat. "Woah calm done" I said putting a hand in her arm. Her expression softened. "Sorry, I just don't want you to get hurt" she looked ashamed. "Aww Kit Kat your so sweet" I exclaimed crushing her into a hug. "Ahh can't breathe Vic" "Sorry" I said while grinning "it's just so weird" "what's so weird" she asked looking at me suspiciously. "You know when I first met you I thought you were a real bitch- and now? She asked. "Now that's what I've come to like about you. I must be rubbing off on you." "What no!!" She said. "Haha don't worry I love you just the way you are Kit Kat. "Aww me too! " "HUG TIME!!!" I shouted. She laughed. "Ok ok" i continued hugging her. "Seriously Vic, I think you broke one of my ribs." I let go of her and pouted. "So what are we going to do now? " "We'll first you going to give me your blood, we'll hide Elena somewhere safe and then after the ritual we'll get the hell out of here." "Are you sure about this?" Kit Kat asked me worriedly. "Yes I'm sure and I would like you to respect my decision." She sighed. "Very well." "So I guess there's only one thing to do." I said looking over at her. She looked confused. "And what's that?" "Have a PLL binge-watch session of course!"

Victorias POV
I woke up the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. Groaning I sat up as answered the phone. "Hello?" "Victoria Katerina Gilbert where are you? I've been calling you all night!" My aunt yelled as I moved the phone away from my ear. "Yikes Auntie I'm alright. I was studying at Caroline's and I must have fallen asleep" I said as walked into the kitchen where Kit Kat was making breakfast. "We'll next time tell me ok? I was worried sick about you!" My aunt said. "I'm sorry and I will next time ok? I'll come home after breakfast! I love you!" "I love you too Victoria." " I made toast for breakfast" Kit Kat said as I sat down at the table. "Mm" I said, digging in. "Thanks!" I mumbled while toast crumbs landed on my shirt. "Elena called" Katherine said suddenly. My head shot up and my eyes narrowed. "What'd she want?" "Look Vic, I know she lied to you and all but she's your sister and- and what? I should just forgive her? Why?" Katherine sighed. "The last time I saw my sister, I told her to go die if all I cared. Then Klaus killed her along with the rest of my family. I have regretted that mistake since forever and I can never say sorry because she's gone. I don't want the same thing to happen to you and Elena." Katherine said. "So I told her you would meet her at the Salvatore's today to talk about it!" "Ugh fine" I said. "But you owe me a coffee for that" I said. "Of cousre" she laughed. "Hey can I borrow some clothes for today? I asked. "Yup and remember that we need to hide Elena at 6:30 cause Klaus is coming at 7 pm to get her." "Got it" "I also told the Salvatore's that you wouldn't sacrifice yourself and wait for their solution." I grinned. "Thanks Kit Kat your the best" i said while giving her a hug. "Yaya I don't need anymore broken ribs"she joked. After getting dressed I hopped in my car to got to the Salvatore's. Time to face the music.

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