Chapter 6

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Elena's POV
It was the week before graduation. We were headed to Katherine and Victoria's house which was actually not that far from Mystic Falls. We were inviting them to my graduation and also we needed to catch them up on everything. I was really nervous because the last time I saw my sister, she'd sacrificed herself to save me. Unfortunately, I'd become what my parents feared the most. I'd become a vampire. At first I hated it. Since I was sired to Damon, he was the one who taught me to hunt. He broke the sire bond because I asked him too. I'm still with Stefan because I love him and I always will. I was so excited to see Victoria that I was jumping in my seat. I was also really nervous because I didn't know what to say to her. Stefan looked at me in the backseat. "You alright?" I smiled. "Yup. Just can't wait to see her." "I can tell" he grinned at me. "well were not there yet so keep calm" Damon said as he turned onto a different road. It was called Fells Church Road. "Hmm I think this is their road" Damon said as we passed the first property. It was a farm. "yup" I said. "when we were kids, Vic would always talk about wanting to live on a farm" " I can imagine Katherine on a farm" Damon smirked. "Hey be nice" I said. "Whenever Katherine's with Victoria, she seems different" I said thoughtfully. "I noticed that too" said Stefan as we pulled up to a mailbox with the right number on it. We had arrived.

I looked at the mailbox as the car stopped. "Look at the name" I said. In a black cursive writing was the name "Petrova" printed. Damon snorted. "Yup. Definitely the right place" I looked at the property as the car moved forward. On the left and right side were fields of what seemed to be plants. The air had a sting to it. "Vervain" Stefan said as I closed my window. "Smart" Damon commented. Beyond the two fields were woods. When I looked through the front window of the car, I saw a big old farmhouse that had a wraparound porch. Beside it was a garage with some cars. On the right side of the house was a barn, further in the distance. There was even a pond. "Wow" Stefan said. it was pretty nice. as we drew closer to the house, I saw a figure stand up. they were bending over a garden. that was probably Victoria. As soon as the car stopped, I jumped out of it and ran to her. I engulfed Victoria into a hug while saying "Never ever do that again Vic" I let go of her to get a proper look. "Umm" she looked uncomfortable. "Victorias in the back right now" she said pointing her finger to behind the barn. "Oh Katherine?" I asked. She smiled. "Yup" taking off her garden gloves. "Sorry I thought you were Victoria" she grinned at me. "S'okay" she looked at Damon and Stefan who were now standing behind me. "So what do I owe the pleasure if this visit?" I remembered why we were here. "Oh we're here to invite you guys to my graduation and I missed you guys" Katherine squeezed my hand. "I'm sure we won't be able to refuse the offer" she said smiling at me. Wow I thought. Katherine really was different. "So where's Victoria?" Damon asked impatiently. Katherine rolled her eyes at him. She's horseback riding right now. I became interested. "Really? She's still doing that?" "Yup" Katherine said running her hands through her curly hair. So do you guys want to come inside and wait?" She asked. "Sure" We followed her up the front steps into the house. We came into a huge kitchen that I'm pretty sure was the size of my room. "Wow. Nice kitchen" I said seating myself on a bar stool at the counter. "Would like anything to drink?" Katherine asked. "Water" "Water" "Bourbon" Katherine shook her head. "Anything but water you can have" whole pouring a glass of bourbon for Damon. I was confused. "Why?" She looked at me. "Cause theres vervain in the water supply." Stefan piped up. "But how do you drink water then?" He asked. "We've been building up an immunity against vervain." She said simply. "Bourbons fine I guess" I said. "I'll go get some from the pantry. She left the room. I looked at a book with a bookmark in it. I opened the book. The bookmark was one of those things you get in a photbooth. It was Victoria and Katherine. They were making funny faces at the camera. "It looks like they're really close" Damon commented, looking over my shoulder. "We are" Katherine said as she entered the room. I put the bookmark back and I put the book down. She poured our drinks. "So what have you guys been doing this whole time? Stefan asked curiously. I was curious as what they'd been up too as we'll. Katherine sighed. "Oh you know. Hanging around." She continued. "I wanted to go to Europe but Victoria convinced me that we should stay near you guys in case you needed us. Oh yeah and Victorias becoming a really good witch now. She can do almost any spell" Katherine was interrupted by the door opening. "We all looked over at the noise. "Oh please Kit Kat" Victoria said as she entered the room. "I'm not that good." I looked at my sister. She was wearing her horseback riding attire and she was all sweaty. I jumped up. "Vic!" She turned to look at me. "Lena you're here!" She cried as I gave her a bone crushing hug. I finally had my sister back.

Victorias POV
I returned the hug. "How are you?" I asked pulling away from the hug.She frowned at me. "Don't you dare leave me again Vic. You had me worried sick. Something bad could've happened to you- I'm fine Lena" I said interrupting her. We joined everyone at the kitchen counter. Katherine passed me a glass of vervain water. "Thanks" I accepted it gratefully and drained the glass. "I think I dehydrated like five times when I was out there" I said handing the glass back to Kit Kat. Stefan, Damon and Elena were looking me in astonishment. "What?" I snapped at them. "How can you drink all of that?" Damon finally asked. "Well I need to make sure no one can use it as one of my weaknesses" I said obviously. Katherine handed me another full glass. I panicked. "Why am I getting two full glasses of vervain Kit Kat? " i asked her cautiously. Sometimes when she was mad at me she made me drink more vervain than usual. "Well" she said looking at the calendar. "You started drinking one and a half glasses of vervain six months ago so I think it's best to try more." "Fine" I said as she passed me the glass. The first was nothing because I was used to one and half cups. I paused before finishing the rest. Elena was watching me curiously. I managed to gulp in a down but my face was burning from it for a moment. Kit Kat passed me a shot glass full of blood. I drained it and when I gave it back to her, my skin was normal once more. I sudden had a great idea. "Kit Kat" I exclaimed turning to her.

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