Chapter 3

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Elena's POV
We heard a car door slam. "They're here" I said while running my hands through my hair nervously. "Relax Lena, it's going to be fine." Stefan said, while standing up to get the door. I was confused for a second. "Am I seeing double or- Morning" Katherine smirked at me while entering the house. I collected myself. "Why are you guys dressed the exact same?" I questioned. "Oh Vic fell asleep at my house last night and she borrowed some of my clothes." Katherine said as she seated herself beside Stefan. "Coming Vic?" I asked, looking to the door where my twin was standing uneasily. She shook her head. Katherine rolled her eyes while saying "come on Vic it's alright" she shook her head again. "No, I might fall again." I suddenly realized her uncomfortableness. Se was wearing a pair of Katherine's heels. And Katherine only 4 inch high heels. I'd never seen Victoria wear heels before. This was going to be interesting. Stefan got up. "Do you need any help?" He offered his hand but she refused. Stefan was such a gentleman. "We'll anyway" I cleared my throat. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for not telling you that Stefan and Damon are vampires. I was protecting you and that's what we promised Mom and Dad. To keep each other safe." I looked at my sister. She's made it to the couch successfully. "I forgive you Lena" she said quietly. "I wasn't fair to you because I didn't give you a chance to apologize and I can never stay mad at you for long anyways so-" she was stopped by me giving a huge hug. "Thank you for your forgiveness and I'm so sorry." She grinned at me. "We'll now that the mushy lovey stuff is behind us, how are we going to defeat Klaus?" Stefan cleared his throat. "We were thinking that we could use a spell exchange Elena's life with another so that when she dies, we perform the spell and she comes back to life while some else dies in her place." Stefan said. "And who's the lucky winner?" Katherine asked. "Uncle John."

Victoria's POV
"What about the witch?" I asked. Stefan and Elena exchanged glances. "We think that Bonnie is strong enough to do the spell. I sighed. "Are you guys sure cause last time- we're sure." Elena interrupted me. "Very well" Katherine said standing up. "What do you want to do now?" "First I want to go home and change out of these uncomfortable shoes." I groaned as I wobbled to the door. Katherine laughed as she sat back down. "I'll come with" Elena said with a smile in her face.

Elena's POV
"So I was thinking we could do something together" I said as we settled into the car. She turned to me. "Ooh, like what?" She started the car. "Shopping day?" "Sure" she seemed distracted. "Anything wrong?" She looked at me suddenly. Her eyes narrowed for a second but then her face relaxed. "Nope, everything's fine" "ok good" After we went home for Victoria to get changed, we headed to the mall with our best friends Caroline and Bonnie for a day of shopping. Around 4 in the afternoon I got a call from Stefan saying that we should head back to the Salvatore's to get ready for the ritual. We had a big surprise when we got there. Elijah was on the front porch.

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