Chapter 21

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Hey guys! How are y'all? School has been an absolute pain in the behind ugh I have a French test tomorrrow fml!😣😂😂 I just wanted to tell you that this story is coming to a close. It's been a long time running but I think I'm gonna wrap it up soon! Enjoy!💜


Elena's POV
Davina's locator spell led us to a small house in Rome, Italy. Katherine and I took a plane here as soon as we could. Klaus and Davina went back to Mystic Falls to meet the Salvatore's about Bonnie. Just thinking about her makes my heart ache. I hope and pray that they can bring her back. We take a taxi to our destination. 101 Pilante Street. The car pulls up to a nice two story house with red bricks. "We're here." The driver says. I pay him and we get out. As we walk up the path to the house I can sense that there's people inside. One of them is Victoria. I don't recognize the others. I look over at Katherine and she knocks on the door lightly.

A middle aged lady comes to the door. She's a short lady and her dark hair is twisted up into a bun. For some reason she looks familiar but I don't know why. I smile at her. "Hello. My name is Katherine and this is Elena." Katherine says while gesturing to me. "We're here to see-" I'm cut off by her. "You can come in." She says and steps aside for us to enter. I sigh. Victoria must have compelled the poor lady to do her bidding. We follow the lady into a big living room. Katherine, who is in front of me, stops abruptly causing me to bump into her. I then look around her to see why she stopped so suddenly. There on the couch, sitting across Victoria in fear, is Stefan's niece.


Victoria's POV

I watch my sister and doppelgänger enter the room and stop abruptly when they see Sarah. I watch them with amusement. "Took you long enough." I say. They both turn to look at me. Katherine speaks first. "Hello Victoria. Why is Sarah here?" I laugh. " Well you see" I get up and start to walk around the room. "She is my bargaining chip. I obviously knew that you guys would follow me and force me to turn my humanity back on which I dot want to do. Here's the deal." I stop right in front of them. "You will let me have no humanity for one whole year. No one can try to turn it back on. If they do, Sarah here will be dead in seconds. Are we clear?" I pause to smile them. I study Elena's face and feel good to see her reaction. Shock, fear and anger. Pfft emotions. So tiring. Katherine laughs. I look at her confused. "What's so funny?" I snap. She finally stops laughing for long enough to say " Oh I'm sorry but I find it pretty funny that you think you can do what you want." I snort. "And who are you? My mother. Obviously not because she's dead." Elena cringes at this. It feels so good not feel guilty at hurting Elena. I feel so free. Rachel clears her throat. Everyone turns to her. "I'm sorry" she says in her British accent. "But I believe Victoria has made you a deal." Elena scoffs. "And who are you?" Rachel smiles widely. "Rachel Elizabeth Dare (PJO if anyone knows that it's amazing!😍😍). Heretic." Katherine and Elena both stop and look at each other. Ahh they're weren't expecting that! I think smugly. "I'm here to make sure you agree to Victoria's plan and promise to follow through on it." She looks at them expectantly. "Never in a thousand years. Katherine spits. "Oh well." I say and walk over to Sarah where I pull her up and sink my fangs into her neck.
How was that? Was it ok? I would appreciate feedback please and thank you! Don't forget to vomment! (Aka vote/comment if you didn't know that) Thanks for reading my lovely cupcakes! See you soon!☺️💕💕


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