Chapter 9

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Victoria's POV
I woke to the smell of bacon. My eyes opened instantly. I sat up groggily and pushed aside the covers. I didn't even put on my glasses. I vaguely realized that my neck hurt but i decided to ignore it for now. I walked down the stairs. When I entered the kitchen, everyone looked up at me. Kit Kat was making bacon and eggs on the stovetop, Elena and Stefan were eating at the table and Damon was reading a grimoire at the bar. "Morning Vic" Kit Kat said cheerfully as I sat beside Damon. "Hm" I grunted. "How did you sleep?" She asked. I yawned. "Surprisingly well" i said "Considering" I didn't need to continue. Kit Kat put a plate of food in front of me and I started to dig into it. "Thanks" I mumbled. Damon grinned beside me. "Why are you so happy?" I asked suspiciously. He just laughed. "your clearly not a morning person" he commented. I poked his arm with my fork. "Shut up." He just laughed again. After I had finished my breakfast I went upstairs to have a shower and get dressed. Today, I decided to wear jean shorts, a purple t-shirt and my paddock boots. I curled my hair and wore my contacts. I went back downstairs. Without realizing it, I'd dressed almost identical to Katherine. I smiled. "Kit Kat were twining" she groaned as I gave her a hug. I held onto her for a moment and looked out the window in front of me. "What do you think will happen to us today?" I asked and we sat down at the table with Stefan, Elena and Damon. "Well for starters were going to take care of that bite" Katherine said as I looked down. It looked even worse. It seemed to me that it had grown overnight. "We have good news" Elena said smiling at me. "Remember when that hybrid bit you a while ago" Katherine said. I frowned. "Yup" "Well Klaus knows how reckless you are-hey! And he gave me some of his blood for safekeeping." I looked up at her. "Do you still have it?" She passed me a vial of blood that had the initials "NM" on it. I opened it and downed the thing. When I looked down at my neck, the bite was already disappearing. I sighed with relief. "Well now I guess there's only one thing to do." Elena looked at me. "And what's that?" "We train." Katherine smiled.
We spent the morning in the barn practicing with the technology that our neighbour Mark had done for us. You could fight anyone or anything on any location and time. It was pretty damn cool. I could see the others were impressed when we first showed it to them. Damon was all for it but Stefan took some talking to do it. They made me fight first. I walked into the quiet space. I closed my eyes. When I opened them, I saw that I was in a field. The sky was a bright blue and it was deadly hot. I'd already started to sweat. I shaded my eyes to see the figure that was drawing nearer. I gasped. It was Katherine. I've never fought Katherine before but I'd fought along side her and watched her as well. She was very crafty. I started to think of a plan as she came up to me. "Kit Kat" I exclaimed. "What are you doing here?" She frowned at me. "Come on Vic we need to go" she started pulling my arm. I took it away. "Why what's wrong?" She hesitated before saying " We need to go before they come." Now I was confused. "Kit Kat tell me what's wrong right now!" I said. "No there isn't enough time" she cried. "Calm down Kat" I said touching her arm. She pulled away from her. "Either you come with me peacefully or forcefully." Katherine said. I looked at her. Before I could do anything, my feet were swiped out in front of me. I landed on my bottom. Then Katherine started to drag me somewhere. I dug my heels into the ground. I twisted Kat's arm that was holding my arm. She let go of me. I stood up facing her. She made a grab for me in vampire speed. I dodged her grasp and punched her in the stomach. She doubled over. I grabbed her and flipped her onto her back. Then I grabbed a nearby stick. I aimed it at her heart and struck it there. About an inch away from her chest, Katherine caught the stick and turned it the other way. She was doing was I was just doing to her. Copycat. I groaned as she plunged it into my stomach. I fell over. She stood in front of me. I pretended that I couldn't get the stick when I could've easily taken it out in 5 seconds. She smirked at me and took out the stick. I gasped. She let me sit up before trying again. Little did she know that I had the advantage of surprise. As she drew nearer, I waited for her to come close enough to do it. Whe she was close enough I piled her on top of me, rolled over so I was on top and reached out into her chest where I pulled her heart out. I stood up and the next thing I knew, I was back in the barn. Katherine, Elena, Damon and Stefan were all staring at me. I walked over to them. "We'll there's an example for you guys" I said sitting down on the chair beside Katherine's. After lunch, I got a call from Klaus or should I say Silas. The conversation went like this. "Hello Ms. Gilbert" I ground my teeth. "Silas, what do you want?" I was currently sitting in the kitchen with the others who were listening in. We'd agreed on what we would offer Silas for the deal beforehand. He laughed. "Why so grumpy, cheer up love" I snarled. "You don't deserve to say that" I said. "Very well" he continued. "How are you faring with that hybrid bite? Have the hallucinations started yet?" Now it was my turn to laugh. "I'm sorry Silas but that little issue was long resolved. He became serious. "I see. So shall we meet to discuss the terms of our deal?" He asked. "Yes" I said. "But you have to come to me" I said. "4728 Fells Church Road. Be there by 7pm" I said and then I hung up. I sighed. "Wow is he ever annoying. If I had been Amara I would've rather died instead spent another moment with him." "Be nice Victoria." Katherine says as she rolls her eyes at me. "Fine" I turned to m sister. "So what's new in your life?" I asked. Even thigh I knew exactly what had happened since I left her. She hesitated. "Umm, well Jer's going to art school." This was new news. "Really that'" She laughed. "I know, inexpected. It's the best for him though" she said. I nodded. "Yeah definitely. So when's your graduation?" "This Saturday." "Well Kit Kat and I will be there right?" I looked at Katherine. She smiled. "Uh huh" I suddenly started laughing as I realized something. They all looked at me. "What?" Stefan asked me. I had to wait a few seconds to stop laughing long enough to speak. " I just realized that this is one f the most normal conversations I've had in a long time." No one else was laughing with me. "I think your really tired Vic" Elena said looking at me worried. I couldn't stop laughing. "Go outside and laugh it off" Kat said finally. When I went outside I sat down on the front steps. I watched the sun slowly set in the distance.

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