Chapter 18

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Elena's POV
"Hey Klaus!" I say. "What are you doing here? I thought you went back to New Orleans?" He smiles. "I did. But I came back to kill Silas though." My jaw drops. "What?" Katherine splutters. She lunges at him but he holds her off, her face inches from his. "Why did you do that?" She screams in his face. I help him pull Katherine off of him. "What's the problem love? I thought you'd want him dead?" She falters. I explain. "Victoria turned her humanity off when she found out that Silas was dead because he was going to bring Bonnie back." "I'm sorry love. I didn't know." He gives Katherine an awkward hug. I laugh as Katherine glares at me. "Do you know where she is?" "No idea. And we don't have any witches to do a locator spell to find her." Klaus thinks for a minute. "Well I'm sure there's a witch back in New Orleans that would be willing to help you find her." I look at him surprised. "Really?" "Sure." Hope starts to blossom inside. I throw my arms around him. "Thank you Klaus."

Victoria's POV
I wake up refreshed. I'm starving. I look around me. Most people are sleeping. Some are watching movies. Sarah's sleeping. I get up to go to the bathroom. On the way there I grab a flight attendant and bring her with me to the bathroom. I compel her to not scream. Then I feed her my blood and erase her memory. There. There's no way they can find me if I be careful right? I realize now leaving that headless police officer in the middle of the road was pretty stupid. Oh well. When I get back to my seat Sarah's awake. "Hey." She rubs her eyes as I sit down . "Hey how'd you sleep?" I ask politely. I need her to get her to like me in order for my plan to work. If it doesn't then I'll compel her. Unless Stefan slipped her some vervain without her knowing. I look at her necklace. It smells like vervain. I knew it. I point at it. "That's a pretty necklace." I say. She looks down at it. "Oh this old thing? I got as a birthday present from my mom when I turned 10." Her heart beats faster as she says this. She's lying. I nod. "Cool. So where are you headed to in Italy? I might be staying near you." "I'm staying in Rome." "Me too!" "No way! Are you seeing any relatives?" I hesitate. "Sort of." She cocks her head. "What do you mean sort of?" "Well I have a question for you Sarah. Have you ever heard of vampires?"

A/N So for Easter break I had the stomach flu! 😭😭 but I'm better now so more time to update! ☺️How's the story going? Don't forget to vote and comment on how the story is going! I hope you all have a good day! 💕💕


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