Chapter 13

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Victoria's POV
I wake up when the sun sets. I'm starving. I sit up and pad downstairs still in my shorts and tank top. When I come into the kitchen, everyone's eating dinner. They look at me as I enter the kitchen. I sit down at the table yawning. "How did you sleep?" Stefan asks. I rub my eyes. "Good." I set my head on my hand which is propped up on the table. I close my eyes. "Vic. If your tired then you should go back to bed." "No I'm not tired." I get up and look in the fridge for a bloodbag. After drinking it, I have some vervain water. "Anyone thirsty?" I ask. "Ooh yes please." Kit Kat says and I pass her a glass. "Lena?" I look at my twin. "No thanks." "Suit yourself." I drift over to the living room. I put on a Taylor Swift CD and lay down on the couch. Before I know it, I drift off to sleep once more.

Elena's POV
Victoria falls asleep on the couch, listening to Taylor Swift. When we finish dinner- which was ribs, salad and potatoes- I get up to go to her. "Leave her there." Katherine says. She'll sleep there for the night." "Are you sure?" "Yeah she's done it many times before and she doesn't like to be moved either." I nod at that. I honestly can't wait to go back to Mystic Falls. I can't wait to see Caroline, Matt, Jer and Tyler. I called Care earlier today to let her know that we were coming back tomorrow and she told me that she'd ordered my cap and gown for me. Care is such a good friend. She always finds a way to make situations happy even if there really depressing like one time I was grounded for sneaking out and Care said that everyone would suffer without me. "Cue the eye roll." I put a blanket on my sleeping sister. I watched her. Even though she looked exactly the same as I did, she was so different than me. She was determined, smart, funny and she was the strongest person that I knew. I stood there a minute longer before heading to bed.

Victoria's POV
I wake in an unfamiliar room. Then I realize that I fell asleep on the couch last night. I sit up and rub my eyes. I go upstairs to have a shower. Today, I wear jeans and my timberwolves sweater with my paddock boots. I wear my contacts and blow dry my curly hair. When I go downstairs no ones there. I go outside where Damon and Elena are packing their car. I head over to them. "Where's Stefan and Kit Kat?" I ask after greeting them. "They went grocery shopping." Damon says. "When?" "A little while ago. They should be back soon." Well I'm going to do chores" I say. First, the barn. I feed the chickens, goats and turkeys. Then I feed the cows and horses. I put a sprinkler in the garden and then head to the house. I vacuum it, clean the bathrooms and make lunch. I finish setting the table as everyone comes in. "We already put the groceries in the car. We're ready to go right after lunch." Katherine says as everyone gets seated. After lunch, I ask her "Did you get the hunters stuff?" "No" "I'll go get it now" and run down to the basement. The hunters stuff consists of stakes, vervain water, guns with werewolf venom and vervain laced in it. Also there's a few crossbows and my personal favorite. The special vampire killer. It's a wooden ball that when you throw it at a vampire, it unfolds itself and slowly pierces their heart. A very painful death, but still it's pretty cool to me. I find the hockey bag with everything inside and go to put it in the car. We're taking Katherine's car. She has an SUV while I have my trusty pick up truck. Before I can go in the car, Katherine stops me. "No way. Your not sitting in my car with that filthy sweater of yours." I protest. "It's not filthy." I look down. It's dusty, covered with dried blood from when Klaus turned and plus it's got this rip in it. "So what is it's dirty? It's comfortable." Katherine sighs. "Victoria take off that sweater this instant or you will not come with." I manage to splutter "who do you think you are? My mother. You can't tell me what to do Kit Kat." Katherine stomps her foot in frustration. "Just take off the bloody thing, I don't want you to get my car dirty." "Oh, I didn't realize. Sorry Kit Kat." I grin at her. Groaning, she turns to Elena. "See? This is what I have to deal with everyday." "Hey!" After putting my sweater back, I change into a red T-shirt. I jump into the car as the others have already started to leave. We're on our way back home. Three ridiculously long hours later, we pass a sign that says "Mystic Falls". we follow Damon's car to the Salvatore boarding house. All I want to do when I get there is sleep until morning. We pull into the driveway. The house is dark. After unloading everything, I take a shower and the last thing I remember before my head hits the pillow is that I forgot my hair curler.

Sorry for the filler chappies but it should get better soon. Sorry for my bad writing and thank you for putting up with it! Goodnight my lovelies! 😊


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