Chapter 8

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Victoria's POV
"Flashback earlier that day"
After I had completed the spell to save Sarah's life I started to head back home with Lucy. I heard a rustling in the woods. I stopped as did Lucy. "Who's there?" I asked clearly. Lucy stepped in front of me as a figure stumbled out of the bush. I was surprised. It was Klaus Mikaelson. "Nik" I exclaimed running towards him. He looked hurt. I sat him down and began attending to his wounds. There was so much blood. I eventually gave up trying to be a doctor and I gave him my blood. He gratefully accepted it. After he was fully healed he thanked me. "no problem Nik" I said and I helped him up. We had become friends a little while ago. it was a month or two after the ritual had happened. Klaus had saved after a hybrid had bit me. I felt like I owed him my life. "What happened?" I asked curiously. It took a lot to take down an original much less Klaus. "it was Silas" he said finally. "He got in my head and made me do things" I stopped him there. "What kind of things Nik?" He shuddered. but before he could continue, it was as if he was having a seizure. After it stopped, he sat up slowly. "Nik?" I asked, concerned. "Are you ok? He looked at me. "Victoria?" He asked. "Yes" I said. "It's me" "Good" he looked relieved. "I'm so sorry" I took a step back. "What do you mean Nik?" He took a step forward. "I'm not Klaus" he said. I froze. "Silas." I spat. He smiled. "The one and only. I've been looking for you Ms. Gilbert." I frowned. "Why?" He looked at me. It suddenly dawned on me. "You want me to find a way to reunite you with Amara on the other side" I said finally. He smiled evilly. "Very good Ms. Gilbert" he said. "So will you help me?" I looked at me. I spat in his face. "No way" and I turned on my heel. The next thing I knew, I was up against a tree with his hand around my throat. "You will help me" he said calmy. "Go to hell" I spat. he shook his head at me. "Wrong answer Ms. Gilbert" and his face turned veiny and red. He was gong to bite me. I tried to get out of his grasp but I was useless against him. "Ahh" I screamed as his fangs punctured my neck. My hands flew to the wound as he stepped back. "Better run along now" he said watching me. "Come back if you want to live and we can arrange a deal." I flashed out of there as fast as possible. The last thing I remembered was bursting in the house screaming before the darkness took me. "Flashback ends"

Elena's POV
Damon caught her before she hit the floor. He carried her to the couch while Katherine grabbed the first aid Kit. She took a syringe of her blood and inserted into Victorias arm . Immediately the cuts and blood disappeared. We all sat down, waiting for Victoria to wake up. There was nothing else to do but wait. About an hour later, Victoria sat up with a gasp. Her eyes were frantically scanning the room and her undead heart was racing. I tried to comfort her. "Hey Vic, you're ok now, you're safe" She got up off the couch and backed away from me. "How-how do I know you're not him?" She finally stuttered. "Silas must be playing mind games again" Damon sighed. "Hey Vic, look at me" she did. "I'm not Sials, it's me Elena you're twin sister" She laughed nervously. "You see? That's exactly something that Silas would say" she said. "For all I know, you could be a bloody illusion" she said. "I can prove it-" she interrupted me. "Let me make sure you're telling the truth ok?" She said. the next thing I know, I on the ground with a searing pain in my head. "Sorry" she said engulfing me in a hug. "I had to make sure it was you" she did the same thing to the others. When that was finished she explained what happened. "Wait so Silas can go inside people's minds, even Klaus's?" Katherine asked. For the first time, she looked scared. "yes" Victoria said. She suddenly looked panicked as her hand flew up to her neck. She pulled her collar down, revealing an ugly bite mark. "He bit me" she said simply. Then she plopped on the couch. "what are we going to do?" Stefan asked. "We can't go to Klaus because he's possessed by Silas" "He told me that if I wanted to live, I would have to go to him and make a deal" Victorias voice shook. I squeezed her hand. "Don't worry Vic we'll find a way" I smiled at her reassuringly. She shook her head. "No there's no other way." She said we have to go to him. I got up to get her a glass of water. "Are you you want to do that?" I asked, handing her the glass. "Yes" she decided. "Ok" she got up. "where are you going?" Katherine looked concerned. "To bed" and then she was gone. Katherine sighed. "I guess we should go to bed as well" she said rising to her feet. "Come I'll show you guys your rooms." The last thing I remembered was being led to a room with a big bed and collapsing on it. My eyes closed instantly and I was taken by dreams.

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