Chapter 11

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Victoria's POV
"We should split up" I tell Damon. Even though it's no use, Klaus will only get one of us instead of both of us. "Alright" he says finally before flashing away. I go the opposite direction Damon went. I hear a howl in the distance. I can't tell if it's Klaus or just a wolf. I pause. A huge mistake because right in front of me is Klaus. He growls at me and prepares to pounce. I speed out of that as fast as I can. I can hear him drawing nearer. I try to go faster. Then something pushes me from behind and I trip and fall. I turn around and my heart almost jumps out of my throat. It's Klaus. He slowly starts walking to me as back up until I'm against a tree. "Victoria run!" I hear Damon yell. He must be here as well. I ignore him. I want to try something. Putting my hand out cautiously, I say "Hey Klaus. It's me Victoria. I'm your friend." "Vic get away from there!" Damon takes a step towards me. Klaus turns to him. "Klaus. It's me Victoria. I'm your friend, you would never hurt would you?" I ask. My hand gets closer and closer. He growls slightly. When my hand comes in contact with his head he stops. I start petting him. "See Klaus you would never hurt me. Your a good wolf Klaus and I can teach you to be an even better one if you want me to." He looks up at me. "That's right. I can teach you to not hurt your friends." I look at Damon. "You should go Damon. I'll call when we come back." He nods at me. "Be safe. Don't do anything stupid." I smile at him. "Bye" He flashes away. I turn to Klaus sighing. "Alright so what do you want to know first?" I ask sitting next to him.

Elena's POV
We were sitting in there kitchen with a bunch of hunters stuff on the table. "No ones allowed to leave the house" Katherine said looking at us. We both nodded. I picked up a stake. Twirling it in my hand I asked "Do you think they'll be ok?" She thought for a moment before answering. "Yes. They have each other." Katherine said. We heard a howl. I stood up. Racing to the calendar, my heart filled with dread. "What is it?" Stefan asked as he joined me. "Tonight's the full moon" I said quietly. "What? We have to go- No." Katherine interrupted Stefan. "The plan was that we would stay here until they give us a signal for help." She finished. We sat in silence for a moment. I strained my ears for anything but i heard nothing. Not even with my super vampire hearing. All of a sudden there was a whoosh and Damon stood in the doorway. I rushed to him. Looking behind him I cried "Where's Victoria?" "She's alright. She's with Klaus" "But it's a full moon tonight" Stefan said as he put a comforting arm on mine. I leaned into his touch. "I know. But she managed to calm him down enough. She thinks that she can help him." Katherine sighs. "She'll be fine" she runs her fingers through her curly hair. I turn to her. "Are you sure?" She smiles faintly. "Yes. She's Victoria. I'm sure that she can fend for herself." Stefan cleared his throat. "What about Silas?" Damon turned to him. "We made a deal that we would reunite him with Amara as long as he brought Bonnie back." I was overjoyed. I hugged him exclaiming "Thank you Damon". He laughed slightly as he patted my back. "Don't thank me, thank your sister." I released him. Katherine spoke up. "Well I guess there's only one thing left to do. Go to sleep. Since we have to wait for Victoria and Klaus to come back, may as well take the time to rest." I nod yawning. "Yeah" "Victoria told me that she would call one of us when they were on their way back." We all headed to bed.

Victoria's POV
I'd brought Klaus to the wolf pack near our house. He was currently with Sarah, their leader. She was the one who was going to teach him everything he needed to know. She was going to show him how to fight the urge to hurt his friends, kill everything in sight when he turned and to control his turnings. Sarah was related to a hybrid but she wasn't one herself. She knew these things from her sister who was a hybrid. I sat outside the cave they were for what seemed an eternity. Eventually I fell into a dreamless sleep. I woke to the feeling of a tongue licking my face. I feebly pushed it away groaning and turned on my side. Little did I know that I had just rolled on top of a sleeping wolf. I shot up as he gave out a howl. "Sorry Francis" I say, standing up. There are a whole bunch of wolves sleeping around me in a protective circle. How sweet, I thought. In that moment, Klaus and Sarah exited the cave. I stood up as the wolves around me woke up. When they had left, I turned to Sarah. Thank you for helping him" I look at her gratefully. She acknowledges me with a movement of her head. "It's almost morning, which means you have to turn back soon Klaus" I say, turning to him. He looks at me. We start to head back home. On the way there, he howls in pain. He must be turning back. "Hey look at me Klaus. It's going to be ok." I say to him. I turn away, not able to see him in pain. after a few minutes, it's over. "Thank you love, for helping me." I smile. "You're welcome." I say without turning around. I throw him a bag of clothes that I had. "Here put these on and then we can head back." I pull out my phone and dial Katherine's number. She answers on the first ring. "Vic! Are you ok?" I can hear the panic in her voice. "I'm fine, I'm fine" I reassure her. She sighs in relief. "Thank god! If something would've happened to you I would probably have killed Klaus. I laugh. "Now there's the Katherine Pierce that I know." I can feel her smile through the phone. "So are you guys coming back now or?" "Yup I'll see you soon Kit Kat." "I love you" "Love you too" I hang up. "You two seem very close" Klaus comments. I turn towards him. He's wearing a long sleeved black shirt with black jean and some hiking boots. I smile. "yeah I don't know what I would do without her." He smiles back at me. "Thank you for helping me" he says squeezing my hand. "No problem. Friends help friends right?" We start to head back home.

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