Chapter 22

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Victoria's POV

I sink my fangs into Sarah's neck and relish at the the taste of her sweet blood. Suddenly, I'm pulled away and flung back. I groan as I crash into the bookcase. Laughing, I pick myself up and say "You'll have to do a lot better than that Kat" I smirk at my doppelgänger who just pulled me off of Sarah. She just glares at me while giving Sarah some of her blood to heal her neck. That's when I notice Elena and Rachel are missing. "Hey! Where are- None of business Victoria. They're off doing something else while we discuss the matter at hand." Her brown eyes pierce me and I can't look away from her. "Please Victoria. I need you. Elena needs you. You're the only family that I've ever known. Without you- I'm lost. There's nothing for me to do if you have no humanity- I bark a laugh while pushing all thoughts away on turning it on. "Sentimental much? When has Katherine Pierce been emotional? Everyone knows that you're just a slut who wants attention and you know it too." I pint my finger accusingly at her. She only regards me with cold eyes. "If that was you're lame attempt on making me turn it off let me tell you. You are an idiot." Katherine snaps. " I knew from the very start that you were just a broken girl with no one who loved her because she was never good enough and- DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT! You of all of people should know what it's like to not be loved not me! I have a family! And friends who all love me!" "Not like this they don't. And if you think for one second that they love you like this? Without a humanity? I don't even know who you are anymore. What happened to the innocent girl I met at the Mystic Grill? The one that sacrificed herself for her sister. You freaking died for her Victoria! Over and over again you've proven how strong and brave you are and yet here we are. You without a humanity." I'm frozen. I can't move or speak. It's like she put a spell on me. I'm suddenly overcome by sadness and I can no longer bear it. I burst into tears. I vaguely realize that Katherine is comforting me as wrecking sobs shake my body. I didn't know that it would be this painful to regain my humanity. All these emotions anger, fear, guilt but mostly sadness. I'm overcome by it.

After a while I mange to calm done enough to look up at Katherine and give her a watery smile. "Thank you Kat" She grins at me. "No problem. Though I was hesitant it would work though." I cock my head to the side. "Never mind I'll explain later" she says as Elena enters the room alone. Noticing that I'm hugging Katherine and not trying to kill her Elena runs over to me and gives me a bear hug. She crushes my ribs. "Hey Lena can't breathe over here!" She loosens her grip on me. "Oh sorry. I'm just really glad that you're back. I missed you." She smiles at me and I return the gesture. "I missed me too."


We compell Sarah and her family to forget everything. After that I say goodbye to Rachel and the next thing I know we're on a plane to Mystic Falls. Elena said that a witch named Davina resurrected Bonnie from the dead. I'm so nervous to see her. And excited too. I wonder what she'll say when she sees me. I look over at my sister to see she's sleeping. I take a blanket and wrap it around her delicate form. Then I snuggle up beside her and drift off into the land of sleep.


I wake to the bump of the plane landing and stretch in my seat. I'm practically bouncing on my seat. I can't wait to see Bonnie. I can't wait to see Bonnie. The same thought goes over and over again in my head. "Excited much?" Kat asks beside me. I roll my eyes at her amusedly. "Obviously!" It takes us about an hour to get out of customs and into the parking lot where Damon and Stefan are waiting for us. "Damon!" I engulf him in a hug. As he laughs. "That's Victoria all right!" I hit his shoulder playfully. "Oh shut up." I turn to Stefan. "Welcome back Vic" "Thanks Stef!" I say as he pulls me into a hug. I break contact with him. "So where's Bonnie?" "I'm right here." I turn around to see the one and only Bonnie Bennett. "Bonnie!" I realize that I'm smiling and crying at the same time. I wipe my face and walk over to my best friend where I give her a hug. One that says I'll never let go. And in that moment I know in my heart, that everything is going to be alright.

The End

There you have it guys! It's finally complete! I can't believe it's finally done! Thank you so much for sticking around to read my awful writing skills and I love you all so much! Hopefully I'll make a sequel I don't know yet. Peace out!✌️


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