Chapter 14

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Victoria's POV
I wake up just as the sun rises. Today, I wear a white knee length dress with a belt and a jean jacket with knee length boots. I put my hair in a high bun before going downstairs. Damon is up, making breakfast. "Morning." I say and pour myself a cup of coffee. "Morning." He replies. I look at him. "How are you doing?" "What do you mean?" I sigh. "You know. About Elena." "I'm fine." "Yeah right" I scoff. I touch his arm. "Damon. When you get hurt you deny it and then act out." I pull him into a hug. "It's ok to feel you know." I pull back to look at him. He smiles at me. "Thanks Vic. Your a good friend." "Well that's what friends are for." I exclaim. "So what are you making for breakfast?" "Pancakes." "Yum. Can I help?" "Sure" an hour later we've finished it. Just then, Stefan and Elena come down. "Where's Katherine?" I ask them. "Still sleeping." We enjoy the pancake breakfast that Damon and I had made. "So what's the plan today?" I say as I finish my bacon. "First, were going to Elena's graduation and then we bring Bonnie back and kill Silas." Stefan says. "Mm can't wait." I stand up. "Where are you going?" He asks. "To wake up Katherine. She's slept for far too long." I go to the sink and fill up a glass of cold water. "What are you doing with that?" Elena asks cautiously. I laugh. "Relax Lena. I do this every morning when she sleeps in and she's fine with it." I walk up the stairs and into the room where Katherine is peacefully sleeping. "Time to get up Kit Kat." I sing and then promptly dump the glass of water on her. I flash downstairs laughing my head off. The others are looking at me like I'm crazy. "Do you have a death wish or something?" Elena asks as we hear Katherine screaming bloody murder in the background. I manage to stop laughing for a moment to say "Nope but it's funny." I giggle. Katherine marches into the living room soaking wet." "Do you guys have any towels?" She asks. I laugh even harder. "Yeah I'll show you." Elena gets up from her spot on the couch to show Katherine where the extra towels are.

5 hours later, Katherine, Damon and I are sitting in these uncomfortable folding chairs in the heat, waiting for the graduation ceremony to start. I fan myself with the program and look around the crowd that is settled around us. I see many familiar faces. Caroline's mother. Tyler's mom. Bonnie. Wait a minute. I double take. "Bonnie?" I say to myself. "What?" Katherine looks at me. "Nothing. Hey I have to go to the bathroom. I'll be back." I get up and follow Bonnie's retreating figure to behind the stands. "Bonnie?" I ask. "Victoria." I reach my hand out to touch her. My hand goes through her arm. "Oh" I feel disappointment settle. I guess I never really realized that Bonnie was dead until I actually saw her. "You're dead" "I know" " we're going to bring you back Bonnie" she looks alarmed. "No you cant. Your not strong enough to do the spell." "I'm really getting good now Bonnie. I can do this trust me" "But-" I interrupt her. "Don't you even try to argue with me on this one Bonnie Bennett. I'm going to save you." She sighs as I smile at her. In the background I hear a voice on the mic, starting to go through the names of this years graduates. "You should go" "I'll see you soon Bon" I turn away from her and head back. I seat myself between Katherine and Damon just as Elena's name is called. "Elena Gilbert." "Woo go Lena." I yell. I take a picture of her shaking hands with the mayor. I smile, thinking how proud mom and dad would be of her right now. After the ceremony is over, we all go to the gym for refreshments. I smell them before I see them. "They have cupcakes" I exclaim as I drag Katherine along with me. After stuffing my face with sweet stuff, we head over to the others. I'm stopped by Caroline. She gives me a bone crushing hug. "Ah can't breath Care." she points her finger at me. "That's what you get for leaving me." I laugh. "Well I'm back now so you can stop hugging me" "so how's life?" I ask her. She sighs. "Klaus is bugging me as usual and Tyler is in hiding because of him- wait Klaus is here?" I look around. "No not yet." I spend an hour catching up with Caroline as she tells me what happened (even though I do know what happened) and of course, the town gossip. After that, we go to the Salvatore boarding house. Someone is there waiting for us. "Silas."

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