Chapter 15

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Elena's POV
I glare at him. "What are you doing here?" He smiles at me. "Hello Elena, Victoria, and Katherine." He ignores Stefan and Damon. "What are you doing here?" Katherine asks with her eyes narrowed. "Why I'm here to congratulate you all on graduating." Victoria laughs at this. "Sure you are and I'm the president." Silas laughs. "I forgot about your sense of humour. I'm quite surprised to see you two alive and well" he looks at Victoria and Damon "I guess the hybrid didn't get you after all." "Nope" Victoria says. "So are you ready to bring back Amara?" Silas questions Victoria. "yes but first I need to get my grimoire." "I will meet you at the cemetery" and with that he leaves. I turn to Victoria. "Time to get your grimoire."

Victoria's POV
After retrieving my grimoire from my old room in the Salvatore boarding house, I head over to the cemetery alone. Apparently Silas doesn't want anyone else to come. My thoughts drift to Bonnie as I walk through the pitch black forest. I can't wait to see her. I never realized until now that I've missed her so much. I enter the cemetery and head to where Mom and Dad are buried. I sit down in front of the grave. "Hey Mom, hey Dad. How are you guys doing? I'm sorry for not taking care of Elena and Jeremy enough. I just wanted you his to know how much I love you and I wish you were here." I wipe a tear from my cheek and stand up to go. There is a slight breeze and I wheel around to face the grave. It somehow looks different then it did 5 seconds ago. Weird. I continue my way to the Salvatore's crypt. I shiver as I pass through the doorway. It feels like death in here. I open my bag and set up the candles wondering where Silas is. I thought that he would've beat me here but I guess not. I open my grimoire and look up the right spell. There it is. I pull out my phone. "Where are you?" I text Silas and sit impatiently waiting for him. My phone lights up and I get a response. I gasp at the picture in horror. It's Silas with his neck slashed open, hanging from the ceiling. My phone drops from my hand as I realize that Bonnie is still dead. I suddenly can't breathe because the pain is too much. First Mom and Dad, then Aunt Jenna, Uncle John and Bonnie. I just can't take it, this pain in my chest. I wish I could just turn it all off. I stop. But I can. I could flip the switch. Then it would be gone. No more feeling guilty, or sadness all the time. What about Elena, Jeremy and Katherine? What about them? You've been looking after them and all the while you've left yourself nothing. It's not fair that you should be the one to always clean up their messes. I make a decision. I'm going to turn it off. And no ones going to stop me.

Hey everyone! Sorry for not writing in like forever. I got distracted with school and other stuff. Anyways I'm back now an I'll try to write more often! Thanks for reading and happy spring! 🌺🌹😄


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