Chapter 4

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Victoria's POV
"Evening ladies" Elijah said as he stepped aside so Lena could unlock the door. We went inside facing him. "What are you doing here Elijah?" I asked curiously. "I'm very sorry" he said. I frowned. "What do you mean?" "Invite me inside" he said to Elena compelling her. "You can come in" "wait what?" I said. Then Elijah vampire sped out of the house taking Bonnie with him. We all just stood there for a moment dumbfounded. The moment was broken when Stefan came down the stairs. "What are you guys doing standing around with the door open?" He asked while closing it. "Elijah took Bonnie" Caroline blurted out. "What?"Stefan looked shocked. "Why would he take Bonnie?" Lena wondered. A pit was growing in my stomach. "I think I know why he took Bonnie." Everyone looked at me. "Elijah doesn't want Klaus' werewolf side to emerge so that's why he needs a witch to interfere with the ritual. "But why wouldn't he take me?" I asked. "Probably cause you're a new witch- no offence." We all looked at where the voice was coming from. "Damon!" I exclaimed, crushing him into a hug. "Hey Vic!" He smirked. I pouted. "Where have you been all day?" My face lit up as he blushed. "You were with that reporter girl weren't you?" I started bombarding him with questions. "Enough Victoria" said Katherine as she entered the room. "You're giving me a headache."I sighed. "We need a new plan" Care said as we joined everyone on the couch. "Yeah, we're not letting you die tonight Lena" I squeezed my sisters hand reassuringly. She smiled at me gratefully. "Can I talk to you for a minute Vic?" Katherine said suddenly. "Sure" we walked outside to the front porch. "What's up?" I asked as we sat down on the front steps. "I wanted to know if we're still going to do the plan about you know who?" She jerked her head to inside. "Oh right" I hesitated "of course" I smiled bravely. "Everything's going to be fine" she smiled back at me. "of course it is, were a team" I leaned my head against her shoulder wondering what would happen to all of us tonight.
After a while, Katherine and I came back inside. the others were discussing something. I sat down distracted with my own thoughts. "Do you think that'll work Vic?" Everyone was looking at me expectantly. I snapped to attention. "Sorry what?" Damon sighed. "I said do you think you are strong enough to perform the spell Bonnie was going to do." I looked at Katherine. Nodding my head I said yes. "yes I'm able to do it" Even though I was lying. I'd only started practicing spells the month before but I'd been telling everyone that I've been practicing much longer. "very well" Stefan said standing up. "Time to get ready" After discussing the details, I went to say goodbye to Lena with Katherine. Care had gone home, and Stefan and Damon were waiting in the car for Lena to come. Katherine and I were going to be at the cemetery with uncle John when the ritual was over. "Do you know how proud of you I am?" Lena asked looking at me. "And I you" I replied. "be safe" she said into my shoulder as I gave her a hug. "Alright go" I said "or else you'll never leave" she laughed. "Elena" Katherine nodded at her. "Katherine" "Wait" Elena turned to look at me. "what?" She was distracted. Now I thought. Katherine put her hands over Elena's mouth and nose just enough so that she was only unconscious. "see you on the other side Vic" Katherine smirked at me. "You bet cha" I walked to the car and the decision that would change my life forever.

Victoria's POV
Flashback earlier in the day
"Drink up Vic" Katherine said bitting her wrist and squeezed out her blood into a glass. I managed to gulp it down. "how was that?" I made a face. " Bluh" she laughed. "Don't worry,it'll get better" Flashback ended
I was currently in the car with Damon and Stefan headed to Klaus' house. "Elena?" "Yeah" I looked over at Damon who was driving. "Are you sure you're alright?" I put on a brave face. "Yes Damon I'm fine. Stop worrying, you're becoming a softie." He protested. "Joking,joking" I became serious as the car stopped. "Well this is where I leave you" Damon said as Stefan and I got out of the car. He put a hand on my arm as I passed his window. "Be careful Elena" "I will, I promise" He smiled faintly and then drove away. I slipped my hand into Stefan's. I looked at him and I was so happy that Elena had someone like him in her life, she truly deserved to live a normal life. Or at least, a life where she wasn't dead. "I love you Elena" Stefan said and softly kissed my lips. He wrapped me in a hug. "I love you too." we were both silent for a moment, enjoying the silence. It was interrupted by a familiar and annoying English accent. "Are you ready love?"
Half and hour later, Klaus and I reached a small clearing. I gasped. there was a witch with a goblet in front of her. Aunt Jenna and some girl I vaguely remembered was a werewolf friend of Tyler's, we're both in circles of fire. I ran to my aunt. "what did you do to her?" I demanded. "She's in transition." My breath caught in my throat. A moan of despair escaped me as I sunk the the ground. "No no, this isn't happening, why are you doing this, you've already done enough, she doesn't deserve this." Klaus glowered above me. "This is Damon's fault" he said smirking at my expression. "what?" "Oh well, guess you'll never find out how" I stood up filled with anger. "What happened?" I spat at him. He looked at me. "well at first I was going to use your friends Tyler and Caroline at the ritual but your dear Damon ruined it by saving them. This only my payback." He turned to the witch. "we can begin now" She started chanting. Soon enough there was a fire around me as well. I didn't care. The only thing I cared about right now was Aunt Jenna. I went as close to her as possible without touching the fire. "Auntie?" It looked like she was starting to stir. She sat up slowly. "What happened?" You're-you're dead Auntie." She looked horrified. "What? How is that possible? I- Silence!" She was interrupted by Klaus. I glared at him. "Why am I so hungry?" She asked me. "You have to drink human blood to complete the transition to becoming a vampire." she looked so scared right now. "No no no, I don't want to be a vampire" she said sinking to the ground. I heard a scream. The werewolf girl was rolling around on the ground in pain. "It has begun" Klaus said. He looked excited.

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