Chapter 7

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Victoria's POV
Kit Kat passed me a shot glass full of blood. I drained it and when I gave it back to her, my skin was normal once more. I suddenly had a great idea. "Kit Kat" I exclaimed turning to her.

Elena's POV
We all turned to her. "what?" She said. Victoria looked over the moon in excitement. "Can we show them the barn?" She asked shyly. As if she were scared that Katherine would say no. I realized that Katherine and Victorias relationship were like mother and daughter. There was a moment of silence. "Sure" Katherine said finally. Victoria turned to me. "Come on" she said, pulling me outside. The others followed behind. We were walking towards a huge old barn that looked on the verge of falling over. If there was a strong wind, it would have blown it over. "So what are you showing us exactly?" Stefan asked curiously as I slipped my hand into his. I saw Katherine looking at me weirdly. What was that about? I ignored it and listened to Victorias response. "We have a training room that is disguised in the barn" she said as we crossed the lawn. We had reached the pond. Some ducks were swimming in it peacefully. I wondered what it would be like to just live like that. Not a care in the world except what I was going to eat. I could barely remember to eat these days. Damon looked interested. "How does that work?" he asked as we continued onwards. Things had stopped becoming awkward between us and now he was just as annoying as usual. I rolled my eyes at him. "Patience Damon" i said laughing slightly. There was that look again from Katherine. I was beginning to think that something was up with her. I was going to ask her about it later. We were in the shade of the barn now. Before we could enter, a huge wolf ran towards us. I panicked. Before I could do anything Victoria cried "Don't do anything, she's a friend" I looked at the wolf curiosly. She wasn't a hybrid so I guess that means she was just a regular wolf. Victoria walked up to the huge animal. "Hey Lucy" she said, bending down to pet her. I was astonished. I never knew that Victoria could talk to animals. "It's a witch thing" Katherine explained as we watched Victoria. The wolf seemed scared. "What's wrong?" The wolf made a low growling noise. "Oh I see" Victoria said while standing up. "What did she say?" I asked. She looked at Katherine. "It's Sarah again" Katherine looked uneased. "Alright" she said. "You go on ahead. Please be safe Vic" she said while giving her a hug. "I will" she said before flashing away with the wolf following behind her. I turned to Katherine. "What was that about?" She sighed, rubbing her temple. "I'll explain back at the house" And at that, she turned and headed back the way we had come from.

Victoria's POV
Let me explain something. There is a wolf pack who lives just on the edge of our property where the forest starts to thicken. When Kit Kat and I first moved here, they helped us build up our house with protection. They also helped me to become a better witch. Their leader Sarah, was a kind of witch as well. We were repaying them by doing favours for them every once in awhile. Their leader Sarah had a problem though. She was very ill. She was dying from a disease and I knew this spell that would lengthen her lifeline. Once a month I would perform the spell for her. I would always need to feed beforehand because it took a lot of strength to do it. We took a small detour on the way there so I could feed. Snatch, eat and erase. How weird was it that I using one of Damon's techniques. Finally, we arrived at the clearing where their pack was. Lucy directed me to Sarah's cave. Ever since I met the wolves, it has been easier for me to communicate with animals. Especially the wolves. I feel like I have a special connection with them. I cautiously continued to the leaders cave as Lucy came to a rest behind me. I entered the cave. A black furred beast lay on its side writhing in pain. I rushed to her side. "Hi Sarah! I see you need my assistance again. Don't worry, the pain will be gone soon." I reassured her as she moaned in pain. I put my hands over her and began the spell.

Elena's POV
"And that's why Victoria left" Katherine finished. I was digesting the information still. "So that means Victorias a pretty strong witch then" Damon said hopefully. "Yes" "and you said she can do almost any spell?" Katherine narrowed her eyes at Damon. "yes" I interrupted before Damon could continue. "what Damon was saying is that it would be really helpful to have a powerful witch on our side." Katherine sighed. "Listen, I know the real reason you guys came here." I looked at her. "You do?" I asked slowly. "Yup and I think Victoria would of course be willing to do it" "Oh" was all I managed to say. The real reason we were here was because we needed a powerful witch that was able to get rid of Silas for once and all. "wait a minute" Damon spoke up. "How do you know we came here because of Silas?" "Oh because I can read minds" we all looked at her. She burst out laughing. "Joking, joking" none of us was laughing. "Wow you guys are depressing" she said. "Must be because you haven't been hanging out with Victoria for a year." she continued. "Well the answer to your question Damon, is that Victoria has uncovered a new spell that watches over people. so yes I know every moment that has happened since we left. For example, Elena's a vampire, Bonnie's dead, and you guys are trying to take down Silas." I looked at her dumbfiunded. I finally spoke. "What about Victoria?" "What about Victoria?" Katherine asked. "Does she know?" Katherine threw her hands up in the air. "Duh, she's the one who did the bloody spell." "Okay, okay" Stefan interrupted her. "why didn't you help us?" Katherine's face darkened. "we had to deal with other- issues." "What kind of issues?" I asked. Katherine looked at me. "I will not speak of it" she said shuddering. "Ok" I said wanting to change the subject. Before I could speak, Victoria burst through the door. She was out of breath, bloody and screaming at the top of her lungs.

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