Chapter Thirty-Six

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As if some sort of glamour had suddenly been ripped away, misting back into the darkness, Sammi's eyes flared to life. It wasn't the ethereal ice blue eyes of the Naurians, but a dark red that seemed to swirl together like melted copper.

I made a noise of distress as I stared, open-mouthed at my older sister. I moved a little closer to the mirror, knowing that my eyes were a little watery and I probably still shouldn't believe a word that Rainier said. However... if there was even a small chance that this was real...

I had to save her.  I had to get her away from this monster and his cruel people.

"It is an interesting development, no?" Rainier said from behind me, much closer than I would have liked. I jerked away from his body and growled in warning.

"Where is she," I snarled, swirling to face him. "Where is my sister." I grit out through clenched teeth. I was about to explode, I could feel the vibrations within me, threatening to break free and cause pain, pain and more pain. I felt like a nuclear reactor, ready to explode as the power in my body fought to escape. My skin was hot to the touch.

Rainier's eyebrow lifted in surprise. "I see your Naurian abilities make it more difficult for me to contain your powers than I originally expected. Not to worry," He shrugged, "I would hope that you know by now that if you cause harm to me, you will never get to see your sister again."

I clenched my teeth so hard I could feel pain radiate down my jaw. I was going to make him wish that he had never laid a hand on my sister. I was going to find out who caused harm to my family, and once I knew for certain... Selarian or Naurian... I was going to destroy them.

I slowly let my breath ease out of my mouth, trying to figure out the best course of action. I still had no idea where Kade was, where they were keeping the real President, or where my sister was being held. There were several things I needed to accomplish before I chose to slice Rainier's head clean off of his shoulders.

Rainier, of course, knew that as well. I met his smug looking grin with a frosty one of my own. "I won't ask you again, Rainier. Where is my sister." I said, glaring at him as I envisioned the many different ways I was going to cause him pain.

Gee, becoming an alien had made me a real peach.

"At the Selarian outpost here on Earth. I can bring you there, if you like." His voice was oozing pleasantry and practically solidified my suspicions he had other motives. Obviously. However... my sister was somewhere, trapped with his people. And I needed to find her, above all else. Now that I knew there was a possibility that my sister was alive, there was not a soul on this planet that would keep me from finding her. There was also no doubt that this was a trap, but I was running out of options here.

She was my family. My blood. It didn't matter to me what colour her eyes were. At least... not to me. And I would be damned if Kade or anyone else tried to stop me.

I didn't think he would, but... the fear was still there. I straightened my shoulders.

"And the President? Where is she?" I asked, knowing I still needed to do my best to not be blinded to their other motives. Our world was still in jeopardy, and if I didn't address that then it wouldn't matter if I saved my sister or not. We still needed to ensure Earth survived the Selarian invasion.

Rainier raised a dark brow as surprise flickered across his face. "She is also at the Selarian outpost." His gaze was on my face, accessing my reaction. "However she wasn't part of this deal."

I narrowed my eyes at his response. Yeah, we'll see about that, asshole. I thought vehemently as I met his cold looking red eyes.

"How am I supposed to believe anything you've said to me?" I said, feeling the the near unbearable weight of the situation settle on my shoulders once more. It truly felt like it was up to me to save the world. Without Kade by my side, everything seemed utterly impossible.

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