Chapter Twelve

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     I trailed a little behind Magda as we walked down the long, metallic hallways. I wondered how in the world they hadn't become so overwhelmed with claustrophobia that they hadn't burst out of the front door by now and let the humans be damned.

I wasn't sure how much longer I would be able to handle not seeing the blue skies above me, and I had only been here a couple of days. Who knew how long they had been cooped up in here for. 

Magda was busy rattling off the different types of powers that the students in her class had, sounding like a proud mother gushing over her children.

A small smile graced my lips, and I allowed her to continue to talk my ear off happily. She seemed like a genuine being. 

"Our powers have become weakened under your planet's yellow star. They used to regenerate much quicker, to a much higher level back on Nauria, but the ultraviolet radiation isn't quite the same potency here. Your star is in a different phase of becoming a supernova, you know." She waved her hand as if it was no big deal.

I frowned at her back. I didn't know, but I wasn't going to admit that at the moment. It also sounded like quite a big deal that their powers weren't what they were supposed to be back on their own planet. That's something I was sure Kade was less than pleased about. 

I let out a sigh as Magda led us through thick double doors lined with some sort of red looking material. She saw my look and loosed a smile. "That is a type of rock based on our planet. We had to line the walls of the arena in it to help protect our secret." She paused, looking me up and down. "the secret that is now also yours to bear. To keep from the humans you know and love for the safety of our people." 

I felt as though I already knew the answer, but I decided to ask anyways. "What secret?" I all but whispered, too busy staring at the enormous room we had just entered with wide eyes.

I had originally expected the arena to be empty, but the flashing of metal against metal caught my eye and along with it came the clang of the swords as they met one another, blow by blow. I stared at a broad shouldered man, watching as his muscles gleamed with the sweat from the brutal workout. I stared, captivated as he moved like a lethal predator, stalking his prey. They circled one another, both studying their opponents body language as they anticipated the next hit. When I was able to see his face, my own turned a deep shade of red out of embarrassment. 

Because there Kade was in all of his glory, leading several other enormous bodies through swordsmanship exercises. The clashing of steel against steel rang in my ears painfully. I cringed, attempting to adjust to my newly improved hearing.

"The secret of the full magnitude of our abilities. Humans do not know the full scope of it. If they did... I'm sure they would have rethought the entire bargain they made with us." Magda turned around to face me, noticing where my gaze was. Her lips turned up in to a slow smile.

When I didn't reply, she laughed softly. I shook myself out of the trance I had somehow fell into and refocused on her.

"Ah, yes. I thought he may be down here." She mused to herself. She looked grossly happy with the frown that had developed on my face. He was the last person I wanted to see right now.

I wanted to make a noise out of frustration, but I reigned it in. He did not get to see me squirm. 

I pursed me lips. "So the stone helps contain the powers used down here?" I inquired, gaining some interest in the conversation we were having.

Magda nodded, gesturing to the dark red stone that encased the room, almost made this room look like it had been carved out of it. 

"It hides our power. Humans on the surface are not able to detect the radiation that comes from us using our power down here. We did this to ensure we were able to continue to train as we would back home, without the knowledge to your kind above the surface."

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