Chapter Seven

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   I woke up.

With blissful realization, I realized that I wasn't in pain anymore. I was so busy being thankful that my skin no longer felt like it was melting off of my bones to fully take in my surroundings. Suddenly, a stabbing pain brought me back to reality. It felt as though an elastic band had snapped against my brain, as if my sub-conscience was demanding for me to get my head out of my ass.

I shouldn't be feeling thankful at this very moment. I knew damn well that something inside me was fundamentally different. Damaged, even. Not natural. Wrong.

Studying the space around me, I noticed that I was no longer in the room that I had been tortured in. I was in an actual bed, with the covers tucked in around me. Hatred exploded within me as I ripped the soft blankets off of my body. I wasn't shackled down any longer.

How dare they tuck me into bed? The act was so innocent, so... personal and it disgusted me on a whole other level after what they had done to me.

Hell, I didn't even know what they had done to me in the first place, and that was the worst part about it all. The secrecy, the lies, the deceit... the violation. I had been so helpless, unable to defend myself in any way. I hated them for it.

I slowly stretched out my restless muscles, wondering how long I had been unconscious for this time. How long had I been trapped here? It felt like an eternity.

I got up out of bed and was shocked to feel strong. Stronger than I remembered feeling before they had injected me with their poisons.

There was a mirror in the corner of the room and I stared at it, debating whether or not I really wanted to look at what they had done to me.

I could be gruesome, disfigured and hideous now for all I knew. They had changed the colour of my eyes, and I only knew that because it was visible from the outside. I had no idea what kind of havoc they had unleashed on my insides. I was sure that they were capable of much more than they had let on.

"Screw it." I hissed out angrily.

I stomped towards the mirror as the tightness in my chest grew more apparent. When I reached it, I stared at my feet, suddenly scared of what I would see. At least I still had all of my toes.

It gave me a little boost of courage and I slowly looked up and gasped at what I saw.

I didn't even recognize myself anymore; I looked like an entirely different person.

Only I didn't look like a person. I didn't look human any more. My eyes stood out in the light, fierce and terrifying. My hair was longer, almost to the middle of my stomach and much smoother than it had ever been. The frizz I had battled with for years was long gone without a trace. My eyelashes were long and thick, my skin clear and bright, and my body was toned and stronger than I had ever been.

"Holy... Edward Cullen, is that you?" I whispered, touching my face in awe.

Although I was mesmerized, I was disgusted. They had turned me into a mutant barbie doll. Suddenly the reflection in front of me was too much for me to handle. I scurried back to the bed and sat down, bringing my knees to my chest in an attempt to control the hyperventilation that was threatening to overcome me at any moment.

I noticed the cameras in the corner of the room much later than I should have. When I heard the keys turning in the door of the room, I hurried to get back underneath the covers. I wanted some kind of barrier against my assailants.

I stared at the door, beyond pissed that there were no weapons in the room for me to defend myself with. They had obviously taken measures in that regard.

The door swung open widely. To my mounting dread it was Kyle who walked through it and came to stand in front of me with his condescending smirk.

"So, you like what you see in the mirror?" His voice crumbled what little restraint I had. What little sanity I had left.

Something inside me snapped. With a cry of rage I leapt from the bed and tackled him to the floor with a loud thump. My eyes widened in surprise; I had moved much faster than I had ever moved before.

I raised my fist and punched him squarely in the nose, hearing a satisfying crack as blood spurted from beneath my hand. There were shouts from outside and I heard the pounding of boots against the concrete floors as they raced towards me.

He struggled against me but it was futile. I had him pinned underneath me and he had hurt me like no other. I punched him again and again, until my fist was wet and dripping with his warm blood.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned," I hissed out, sounding foreign to even myself.

I kept going as an unfamiliar warmth spread through my veins. With a start, I realized that I was happy to hear him gurgle, choking on his own blood as he tried to breathe and failed.

I felt a sharp sting in my side but ignored it, hyper focused on delivering the kind of pain that Kyle had inflicted upon me as I was now doing to him. I stood up fluidly,I kicking him in the ribs repeatedly, hearing them crack one by one.

I felt my body weakening, but he was going to die before I stopped. I would see to it. A slow smile crept over my face but somewhere deep within my conscience was screaming at me to stop.

The men standing at the door with their measly dart guns realized that he was going to die before the tranquilizer took full effect and I was tackled to the floor by two of them.

I hit the ground hard, my head bouncing off of the concrete floor several times before we skidded to a stop. I cringed, waiting for the pain to hit me. It didn't come. My senses came back groggily only to hear the desperate screams of the men that had shot me.

"He's going into cardiac arrest! Get the paddles!" One hollered, looking around wildly for some sort of first aid equipment.

Another voice joined in, "I can't stop the bleeding! Where's Doc?"

A half lucid smile worked its way onto my face, happy I had gotten to inflict so much damage on Kyle. In reality, he deserved so much worse. And I would be the one to give it to him.

They had underestimated me.

I would be their downfall.


Bit of a shorter chapter this time but working ourselves to the crazy next chapter! ;)
What do you think is going to happen next?!


ScarletMoon0143  @soffmaya

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Love kyla ❤️

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