Chapter Twenty One

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     There were so many emotions going through me, all I could seem to do was gaze at Kade shyly. "I might be able to get used to this mate thing." I murmured quietly into his bare, muscled chest.

Kade's deep laugh echoed throughout our small, cozy room. I had only heard it once before now, so the sound brought a smile to my face immediately.

"Could you now?" His voice rumbled huskily against my neck as we lay in bed together.

I nodded into his chest, knowing my cheeks were probably as red as a tomato. I had been with one other guy before Kade, but it seemed worlds, even light years away from the passion that I had just experienced with my Mate last night. I crossed my ankles together, hoping I wasn't being too obvious as my blood began to heat once more at the thought of being with him again and again and...

Images of him naked above me caused me to bite down on my lip hard as I resisted the urge to jump on him all over again.

"Emily?" Kade's smug smirk brought me out of my mind swiftly. I could feel my face burning as I peeked up at him.

"Yes?" I responded innocently as I avoided his piercing, dangerous gaze.

"I suggest you stop thinking about fucking me before you find yourself underneath me once more. We do have some things we need to get done today, and if I start to devour you now... we won't be leaving."

I opened my mouth to say that sounded perfectly fine to me, but remembered the whole Jade and Connor situation, not to mention the new agreement the Naurians had come to with Earth and knew I had to pull myself from his sculpted, delicious...

"Emily." Kade's voice was strained as he closed his eyes tightly, breathing deeply through his nose as he tried to control himself.

"Oops." I squeaked, finally finding the will to separate our naked bodies. Noticing that Kade's eyes were still closed, I pursed my lips in amusement.

"What's wrong?" I asked coyly, "can't even look at me?"

The only response Kade graced me with was a low growl, and damn did it sound hot. Now it was me that needed to put some distance between us before I kept us in bed all day long.

I glanced at the clock on the nightstand and grimaced. Somehow... it was already early morning. I was losing track of time in this windowless bunker. I missed the open sky more than I cared to admit.

"I don't remember falling asleep," I murmured aloud, still staring in confusion at the time.

"I used my powers to help you sleep. I could sense your weariness from consummating the mate bond. Doctor Ama also wishes to see you this afternoon for a follow up appointment." Kade's eyes wouldn't meet my own as he said this.

I frowned at him. "Why?" I demanded.

"She wants to go through your blood work as well as what other physical changes you should expect as a fully mated Naurian."

I glared at him. "And you can't tell me yourself?"

He shook his head. "I'll leave that to Doctor Ama." Faster than I could compute, Kade was dressed and heading out the door. His hand paused on the doorknob as he turned to face me. "My father has set the ceremony for ten o'clock this morning to find out Connor's fate. That gives you about an hour to shower and prepare yourself for what may happen." His eyes were soft as he gazed at me. I knew that he was worried about me and how I would react if Connor couldn't face his greatest fear. It meant he would be put to death.

I nodded grimly. "Where will I meet you?"

"I'll come back and get you after you've showered." His wicked grin made my mind flash back to the hot moments we had shared the night before. "Unless you want to leave my scent on you. I'm sure that would drive the males away."

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