Chapter Twenty-Four

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     Breathe in. Breathe out.

Don't strangle him. Don't strangle him. Don't strangle him. I chanted the words in my head as I exhaled a long breath of air through my nose.

"Did you just say... betrothed?" I hissed out, my eyes narrowed in to slits of pure fury as I stared at him. If someone happened to pour some water on me in this very moment, I was sure that my skin would hiss as if it had just been poured on molten lava.

Kade's own eyes narrowed at me. "Yes, Emily. I did. Before we knew that Earth was a viable option, we were all paired to suitable matches in an attempt to bear children. We thought our entire population was dying out. My duty of future King was to ensure that didn't happen." His tone implied I was overreacting. Was I?

I couldn't quite decide. A part of me was really hurt that he hadn't told me sooner. An ex-betrothed was kind of a big deal. Although, I hadn't exactly discussed my own last train wreck of a breakup with him either.

"How long ago did you break up?" The real question was on the tip of my tongue, begging to free itself from my mouth. I held it in desperately, not wanting to show my weakness.

Kade's brow furrowed in confusion for a moment before he realized what I meant. I was sure that they didn't use terms like break up on Nauria. In their world, it was for life. He came closer, wanting to comfort me. I was sure that with his alien mojo he would be able to tell that the unexpected news had hurt me.

It shouldn't have bothered me... it was from a time when we didn't even know the other existed. But... it did. I figured I could safely blame my erratic emotions on this weird mate thing, and maybe even the heat I supposedly had to go through every couple of months. At least I didn't have to deal with a monthly visit from Aunt Flo anymore, according to Doctor Ama.

I knew they were only trying to do what they believed was right. Trying to keep their kind from slowly dwindling down until there were none of them left. And a part of me understood and respected their dedication, now that no human women would be subjected to what I went through but...

Kade was mine. The thought of him being with another woman made me feel sick to my stomach. I toyed with my wet hair absentmindedly as my thoughts raced. I was still sitting in the towel I had wrapped around my body after we had gotten out of the shower.

"Did you love her?" The words slipped out before I had time to react. My eyes widened as I stared at the ground, mortified. I had asked the one question I was most afraid to hear the answer to.

Kade sat down on the side of the bed. I could feel his blue eyes scanning my face as I avoided his gaze stubbornly.

"Emily. Look at me," He said softly, and I could hear the ghost of a smile that graced his full lips. My eyes trailed up slowly past his gorgeous mouth and to his soulful eyes.

"When we got word from our scientists that they had found a planet with human life on it, and that your species and ours were nearly compatible, it sparked hope within me for the first time since my mother had died. I have been close with Kiehiri since we were children. Her father is one of my father's most trusted advisors. When we were told that we would be paired together, I accepted it but Kiehiri... well, she reveled in the fact that she would one day become Queen."

I listened intently, barely wanting to breathe in case I somehow missed what he was about to tell me. This chick sounded like she was bat-shit crazy. Of course someone like her would want power.

"When I found out that there was a chance that I may have a mate someday, there was no going back. I told my father I was going to be a part of the experimental program immediately, as did most of the males on the ship. This was two years ago," Kade clarified further, when my brow furrowed in confusion.

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