Chapter Thirty-Seven

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      My vision came back to me slowly at first. It was as if my body was re-materializing out of thin air. And well... I guess it kind of was. I blinked, clearing the remaining fuzziness from my eyes and gasped with shock.

I had actually done it. I was standing outside of the Naurian ship on the Area 51 base. I had no time to fuss on whether any humans had witnessed what I did, and quite frankly, at the moment I didn't care... considering we were likely at the brink of an alien war. I rushed forwards, my legs still wobbly from my trip through the stars, and barely made it to the entrance Kade had originally taken me through when I first arrived. As I reached out to open the metal door, it was suddenly shoved open so violently I jumped back in surprise. I blinked back tears once I saw who was standing before me, eyes wide with shock.

"Kade!" I yelled in relief. I shot forward, practically throwing myself into his  waiting arms. I allowed myself a moment to simply be, inhaling his masculine scent and just enjoying the feeling of being in his warm embrace again. He looked utterly astounded that I was standing in front of him and I breathed a sigh of relief when I felt his arms relax around me.

"How...?" He started, confusion written all over his handsome face. "I thought you were gone, Emily. I couldn't feel anything through our bond." His voice broke and my eyes widened in surprise. I knew he had cared about me, even loved me, but it was touching to see just how much. My own eyes watered at the sight.

"I don't even know." I said shakily. "I don't know how I managed to do it, but I was being held captive by Prince Rainier. I was under the mountain, and for some reason my powers were almost nonexistent there. I would assume it's like the stones you have in the arena below. It almost nullified my powers completely. When he took me outside, he was about to bring me back to the Selarian outpost here on Earth. When we got outside my powers came back to me, and I somehow remembered how you said Naurians traveled under the solar system. I didn't think it would actually work. And I don't think that Rainier expected it." I blinked rapidly, shaking my head in amazement. I would never get used to having any sort of powers.

He shook his head in disbelief. "Emily, not even Naurians born into this life always succeed with Star travel. I can't believe you escaped. I'm so sorry I couldn't get to you." I could feel the tension in his muscles as he thought about me being with Prince Rainier. 

I nodded, knowing we likely had a lot to catch up on even though we hadn't been apart for long. It truly felt like forever.

"Kade, you know that isn't your fault. They had a plan and we fell straight into their trap. We just have to be more careful next time and besides... we have bigger issues. The Selarians have the President still, and not only that Kade... but they have my sister." My voice wobbled and my eyes were suddenly filled with unshed tears now that my body was finally realizing I was safe in Kade's arms.

But it wasn't time to fall apart. Not yet. Not until I had my sister safely by my side would I allow myself to cry about how unfair life could be. I couldn't even bring myself to imagine what kind of horrors she had been subjected to. 

Well... actually, I could. And that was partly why I had an overwhelming urge to run straight there and free her. Because if it were anything like what I had gone through, heads were going to roll.

But... she was alive. And for the first time in over a year, I felt a small part of me that I thought was lost forever come back to life.

Kade pulled back to look at me in shock. "Your Sister? Are you sure, Emily? The Selarians are especially good at making you believe something to get what they want." His eyes studied mine. He brushed his thumb over my lip as his gaze landed on my mouth.

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