Chapter Nineteen

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     I followed Kade out of the bathroom, resisting the urge to hide my reddened cheeks from the curious eyes of the warriors that lined the hallways. My heart calmed as we moved further away from the screaming prisoners. We were heading towards King Kagorth's throne room, where I was told that we would get an audience with his Royal Highness and the important advisors of the King's Guard in regards to their agreement with our government.

I wanted to laugh at the absurdity of it all. Of what my life had become in just a short time. In my wildest of dreams or nightmares, I never could have predicted this.

Kade's stance was protective over me as we passed the many males on our way to the throne room. I rolled my eyes at him. "What are you so worried about?" My tone was playful but I wasn't quite sure what he was expecting to happen out in the open like this. 

Although... I guess I was shot the last time I had been wandering these very corridors. The thought flittered through my mindI was sure my facial expression must have looked pained as I recalled the memory. I shook it off the best that I could and awaited Kade's response to my question. 

His eyes slid to me briefly before returning to scanning the halls, continuing to monitor for anything that may threaten my safety "I'm not taking any chances with you. We aren't fully mated yet. If someone wanted to, they could break the bond between the two of us. There were many here that wanted a chance to be with you, remember?" His tone was dry as he recalled the memories.

I pursed my lips. "What do you mean they could break the bond between us? I thought this was pretty much a done deal."

Kade's own lips tipped up in amusement. "Do you want to make it a done deal?" His eyes sparked with mischief and I had to swallow hard, focusing on walking once more instead of stumbling like an idiot at the feelings that were flowing through my mind and my body.

His dark chuckled made me side-eye him as I narrowed my eyes. "Do I even want to know what that means?" 

Kade grinned down on me. "We'd be sealing the bond. With our bodies." 

I clued in then, blushing even deeper than I had been before. Just in time to arrive at the grand entrance to the throne room. I breathed out a long breath of air and straightened my shoulders, not quite sure how things would go down beyond these imposing doors.

The guards opened the doors with no more than a nod of respect to the Prince standing beside me. I bit my lip nervously as we walked through and I saw just how many people were sitting at the round table behind the enormous 

Kade reached out and laced his large, warm hand through my own, somehow sensing that I was dreading the meeting that was about to happen. At his touch, my fingers tingled pleasantly, and what felt like an electric current began to course through me. It felt good. I felt powerful.

Kade's eyes flicked down to me in surprise, and I wondered if he felt it too. I decided to ask him about it later. Right now, it was time to fight for the rights of the women on Earth.

Upon noticing us, King Kagorth and the members around the table stood to welcome us.

"My goodness, Emily. I am so glad to see you back on your feet after such a brutal attack." The King's voice rang through the enormous room, and if I wasn't mistaken, I was sure the room echoed slightly back. My eyes flicked to meet the King's, and to my surprise he was looking at me with genuine concern on his face.

I nodded, briefly pausing to curtsy awkwardly. Was that even a thing on Nauria? 

Kade's lip twitched slightly in amusement, but to his credit stayed silent. I squeezed his hand playfully, before releasing it and stepping forwards as confidently as possible.

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