Chapter Twenty-Five

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     It felt as though my blood had suddenly run cold.

As we sat there under the beautiful artificial stars, my mind began racing on why an alien species from another planet might be interested in me. Obviously it wasn't for my shining personality.

"W-why would they want me?" I all but stuttered. Kade frowned, looking at me with pain in his striking blue eyes. He sighed, shaking his head. I had an idea, but I wanted Kade to tell me himself.

"It's because you're tied to me, partly, and word has spread of our success with the program back to our home planet. We had instructed our people to remain quiet until we deemed it safe, but it seems that our words landed on deaf ears. They were excited and irresponsible... and those responsible will be punished accordingly. I'm sorry, Emily. I knew that having you linked to me would be dangerous, but I didn't think that the Selarians would come for you so quickly. I thought we would have more time to train you." His eyes were downcast as he looked away from me, refusing to meet my gaze. He looked distraught as he explained the dangers that I now faced.

Train me. To fight. Against aliens.

"Seriously?" Was the only word I could manage to make out. How would I possibly stand even a small chance against one of these otherworldly beings? My voice sounded high and squeaky to my own ears. I outwardly cringed, but couldn't help the deep shudder that went through me at the thought.

Kade's jaw tightened, "I wish we did not have to worry about this, but I don't want you to be put in a position where you are unable to defend yourself at all. Trust me when I say that you will not be out of my sight unless there are no other options. I will have guards posted at all times. We are taking no chances, Princess." His eyes sparkled with heated passion as he stared down at me. They warmed me from the inside out.

I merely nodded mutely, unable to really say anything in response to what he had just told me. Instead, I did my best to focus on the solar system above me. It wasn't the one I had learned about in school. No, this was the Naurian solar system. I stared, amazed and terrified at the sight. The universe was unfathomably large. Kade gazed thoughtfully at me in the dark.

"I can't wait for you to see the real thing," His voice was rough against my ear and I shivered, my eyes fluttering at the feelings that shot through me. I let out a frustrated sigh.

"You are going to be the death of me." I rolled my eyes. I couldn't constantly be in a state where I wanted him every second of the day for the rest of my life. Could I? I was a strong independent woman... who wanted his hands on me at all times.

Kade's brow furrowed in confusion. "I would never put you in harms way." His tone was angry as he moved way from me reluctantly. His jaw set stubbornly as he stared at me with pain clearly written on his handsome features.

I raised my eyebrow. "I was being sarcastic, you know. You pick up on things so quickly sometimes I forget you aren't from Earth. Don't be a mad," my lips quirked up as I nudged him playfully with my elbow. "how did you learn sarcasm and English so quickly, anyways?" I was suddenly curious.

Kade's posture relaxed slightly. "I do not find your death to be a subject of ironic humour." He responded flatly, narrowing his eyes at me. "but, to answer your question, we had vigorous lesson plans taught to us by human scientists the government assigned to us. They gave us movies to study, literature, and explained human life in extreme detail. We are fast learners." A slow, mischievous smile spread over his face.

I snorted. "Well, good for you. I'm glad that you're not a stick in the mud, or life would really suck." I smiled at Kade's expression; he clearly didn't understand what I meant.

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