Chapter Thirty-Two

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     I yawned, stretching my arms outwards dramatically as I nuzzled deeper into the warmth of the bed. My hand absentmindedly slapped against Kade's still sleeping face. My eyes popped open and I sat up immediately. 

"Oh crap! I'm sorry! I'm the worst person in the world to sleep with with." I couldn't help the slight laughter that slipped out looking at Kade's sleepy frown. He chuckled, his voice still raspy from slumber. God, he was so handsome.

"I couldn't think of anyone else I would rather share my bed with." His words definitely meant to stir something within me but I groaned, rolling my eyes as I jumped out of bed. We definitely didn't have time to do anything before meeting with the President this morning. 

"Get up, you horn dog." I narrowed my eyes at him playfully as I moved around the room gathering fresh clothes. As I headed towards the bathroom, his voice caused me to pause.

"I already am." Kade's voice was sultry and caused a shiver to run down my spine. It took everything in me to take another step towards the bathroom instead of going back to bed with my mischievous mate. 

He chuckled at my body's reaction and I threw him the middle finger as I closed the bathroom door behind me. He was going to be the death of me.

I quickly changed into my clothes for the day which as usual, was an all black outfit. It was truly the only colour the Naurians had at their disposal. I had never really enjoyed wearing bright colours before all of this happened... but I was seriously craving some colour in my wardrobe. I leaned into the counter, suddenly drawn into memories of the past. My sister was notorious for dressing in the brightest colours that no one but her had any hope of pulling off. I sighed, feeling sad. If there was anyone I wished I could talk to right now, it would be her.

I shook off my thoughts, knowing that if I allowed myself to, it would pull me into a mood for the rest of the day... and there were definitely more important things to discuss today. My crippling sadness would have to wait for another day.

I sighed, looking in the mirror critically. I looked like a stranger to even myself. It was as if I would never truly be able to accept that this was me now. The strikingly beautiful alien creature that stared back at me looked smart, cunning and deadly. The eyes that practically glowed in the dim bathroom would never be truly mine. 

I knew I needed to get a move on, so I pulled myself away from the mirror and headed back into the bedroom where Kade was patiently waiting for me. His head tilted to the side in question, probably sensing my change in mood just moments before. 

I gave him a lame shrug and plopped myself down on the bed beside him.  I wasn't in the mood to get into it at the moment. He had gotten changed too in the short time that I had been in the bathroom. I had to do my best to not let my eyes linger on the way his short sleeved shirt hugged his biceps, because I knew exactly how that would play out. I blushed, trying to avoid Kade's mischievous gaze. He knew exactly what was going through my mind. 

A knock on our door managed to startle me, despite my supposed enhanced alien senses. I rolled out of bed, landing on my feet easily and flung open the door. 

I blinked in surprise. It was President Shada herself standing in front of me. 

"Oh, hi!" I greeted her somewhat shyly. I had been expecting her assistant to let us know when she would be ready to see us. My nerves skyrocketed when I took in her disheveled appearance. She didn't look quite right. My senses immediately kicked in to overdrive as I scanned over her shoulder, looking for a reason for her appearance.

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