Chapter Twenty-Two

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     Connor stared at Kade and I expectantly.

I glanced awkwardly up at Kade, unsure of what the next step was supposed to be. I sure wasn't going to be getting involved in their weird medieval punishment techniques even if I was supposed to be Queen.

Kade's lip twitched in amusement at my bewildered and somewhat stressed facial expression. Before I could even utter a word in response, his body evaporated into thin air. Two gasps filled the silence around me and I looked up to see two ashen faces looking wildly around in panic. Jade stared open-mouthed at the spot Kade had been in only seconds ago and Connor was... well, uncomfortable to say the least.

"Holy shit." Connor muttered quietly, moving quickly towards the bed as he sank down slowly, unable to believe what he had just seen. It was my turn for a smirk to cross my face as his pallid expression searched my own for an explanation. I wasn't sure if he was about to faint or run away screaming.

I merely grinned at him impishly, enjoying his discomfort maybe a little more than I should have. I was sure he was realizing that becoming a Naurian meant that his life was truly going to change even more than he may have been expecting.

Jade's sharp intake of air indicated that Kade had returned the same way he had left.

"I don't think I'm going to be able to get used to that." She all but whispered, still looking as pale as she had been before.

Kade leaned against the wall. "My father says the twenty-four hours that he gave you still stands. Tomorrow morning you will tell our people that you accept the sacrament of Aitera. Afterwards you will undergo the perfected serum and face your greatest fear. If you succeed, you will be pardoned of your crimes."

We all went silent at his last sentence. If he succeeds...

It didn't need to be pointed out that it was just a nice way of saying that there was a chance he could die after taking the serum.

Connor didn't speak. He merely looked to Jade who gave him a small smile and an encouraging nod at Kade's words. I was sure she couldn't think of a better outcome than Connor being here with her.

Besides being free, normal humans without having to worry about the government and aliens and... yeah, I guess there were a lot of other places they would rather be.

I rolled my eyes, shaking the thoughts from my mind as I breathed out a long breath of air. I for one was going to be a lot more relaxed when all of this was over with.

At a mere tilt of Kade's head, the guards moved forwards to escort Connor back to the cells. Jade looked at me pleadingly but I shook my head slightly. I knew that Connor was already being dealt with graciously by the Naurians all things considered.

"Please, can't he stay here with me?" Jade's soft voice broke the silence between us all.

Kade's expression remained nearly impassive, almost cold as he responded. "Connor is still a criminal under Naurian law until Aitera forgives him for his crimes and will be treated as such until he earns his pardon."

Yeah... Connor nearly killing me is definitely still leaving Kade a little saltier than usual. I bit my lip, almost feeling guilty that a lot of Kade's hostility towards Connor was on my account.

Of course, I wasn't the one that tried to murder someone. I reassured myself. Well, besides Kyle.

Without realizing it, I found myself grinning to myself at the thought of nearly killing the scientist that had put me through so much pain.

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