Chapter Twenty

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This chapter will contain sex scenes. HOWEVER, if you are not comfortable with this, there will be a gif before this happens.
Exit the chapter when you see the gif. Enjoy :)
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          I followed Kade as he led the way through the hallways that I was slowly beginning to recognize. However, it wasn't long before we took a left through another set of doors heavily guarded by Naurian warriors that I had no idea where I was any longer.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at the sheer size of their spaceship. How in the world had they managed to hide this from the suspicious eyes of humankind? How did something this big even fly? I knew I would never guess the answer myself, that was for dang sure.

As we entered through the doors silently, the only thing that broke the silence was my sharp intake of air. I gasped, looking around me in surprise at the enormous room that looked like an extremely high tech hospital. The beds were empty except one near the very back, which held a small, frail looking body under the sheet.

There were several nurses that were tending to the woman as we neared the bed. They looked up in surprise to see us, giving us a slight, respectful bow of their head as they moved away to give Kade and I some time with Jade.

Her skin looked sallow and nearly... translucent as I looked down at her in horror. She looked closer to death than anyone I had seen before. And it seemed like there was nothing anyone was able to do for her as I took in the medical team and their bleak expressions.

I turned to one that looked like he may be in charge. I bit my lip nervously as I looked between him and Jade, who seemed to be wasting away by the second.

"What... what can we do for her?" I nearly whispered, feeling a sharp pang of sympathy for the girl in front of me. Maybe... maybe if I had been able to escape earlier, maybe if I had managed to get away as Connor had suggested, maybe I could have gotten her help earlier.

I let loose a breath of air I had been holding in. I closed my eyes tightly, wishing that things could have been different. But I knew in my heart that there was no chance I would have been able to escape with the both of us, especially in her state. And if I had escaped, even the witness protection program probably wouldn't have helped me. The government would have hunted me for the rest of my life.

The longer I stared down at Jade's nearly lifeless body, the guiltier I began to feel that I had somehow gotten the miracle drug and she... hadn't. I had no clue what they had done to her, but it very obviously was killing her excruciatingly slow.

The doctor, who I didn't recognize, was a tall black-haired man with laugh lines that framed his familiar Naurian blue eyes. It led me to believe that outside of his serious profession as a doctor, he had also seen many happy times with his people. It made me hope that everyone would get those times again, including Jade.

The man cleared his throat, bowing slightly to me once more as he began to speak. "Hello, Emily. My name is Taturn. I'm Doctor Ama's mate." His eyes brightened at the mention of the doctor that had helped save my life when I had been shot. If he was Ama's mate, then it would explain the laugh lines that framed his friendly face. I was sure they were quite the power couple.

I smiled at him genuinely. "It's nice to meet you. I feel badly I didn't even know Ama had a mate. She saved my life. I definitely owe her." I brought my hand to my stomach almost subconsciously and Kade stiffened at my side immediately, seeming to understand the memories that were now going through my head. He looked down at me, searching for any sign of discomfort in my expression. When I smiled up at him, he looked more relieved than I would have expected.

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