Chapter Twenty-Six

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Kade led me to their in-ship hospital and I followed behind slowly. If I was being honest, I was scared to see the condition Connor may be in. The first day was terrifying for me, and I was having trouble imagining anything different for him.

I took a deep breath as we walked through the door into the brightly lit room. Despite being a hospital, the Naurian facility didn't feel... insidious like the hellhole I had been trapped in.

It felt like there was a good energy in the air.

My eyes searched the room, noticing for the first time the amount of plants that covered every spot of unused space. I didn't recognize the type, although I didn't exactly have a green thumb. I pondered whether or not they had brought them from their home planet.

My eyes fell on Connor at the back of the room, sitting up unassisted in bed. Conscious. Unshackled.

Jade sat nearby, reading a magazine. I walked up to them slowly, still cautious about what to expect. He looked fine.

He noticed us then, his eyes flicking up to meet mine. I froze, shocked that his eyes now matched mine completely. How had they made this happen so quickly? And he looked like he was in... good spirits.

I relaxed a little, approaching the two of them slowly. I remembered the rage that had coursed through my body when I attacked Kyle at the facility after putting me through that torture. I didn't feel like having that happen to me today.

Although, I was pretty sure I could take him if it really came down to it. Not that Kade would let him get anywhere near me, that is.

"Hey Connor," I said softly, now standing beside his bed. "How are you doing?"

He snorted. "Well, last night wasn't much fun. I felt like I had the worst flu of my life. But today I'm feeling a lot better, better than I ever have actually. My heart condition is even gone. I've had heart problems since I was a baby... genetics." He rolled his eyes, as if he were exasperated.

My eyes widened in surprise at his good spirits. "Wow, that's great Connor. I'm glad to hear you're feeling alright. So, are you a full fledged Naurian now?" A smile tugged at my lips. "Cause' I'm pretty sure I still get that one free punch for shooting me." I winked playfully. But oh, he was still totally going to get it.

His eyes widened and he looked a little nervous. "Yeah, I haven't forgotten my massive lapse in judgement, don't worry. I feel differently about the Naurians now." He stole an appreciative look at Jade, who was staring just as longingly at him. Maybe they would be alright after all.

I laughed, "Well I'm glad it only took a little for you to overcome your hatred for us." The sarcasm coated my words heavily and he visibly winced. It only took shooting me and finding out Jade also was also partly Naurian to take away the string of disgust he felt towards the alien people.

Although... I wasn't sure if they knew Jade's mutation hadn't completely worked. I'd have to talk to the doctors to see if there was something more that could be done to save the bond between them, or if it was at risk like Kade really suspected.

"Yeah, sorry about that." He was apologizing to everyone. I eyed the doctors subtly, trying to see what their feelings towards Connor were. I was shocked to see that they were regarding him with open friendliness. None of them seemed to resent him for what he had done.

A doctor approached me. One I hadn't met before. She was a beautiful blonde and her eyes twinkled with something I couldn't quite place.

"I believe you were inquiring whether or not Connor has completed the gene mutation?" Her voice was as sweet as honey. Kade seemed to stiffen next to me.

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