Chapter Thirty-One

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***This chapter contains a sex scene. If you do not want to read it or you are family, please skip past the first gif and stop when you reach the second gif, which signals the end of sexy time ;) LOL.


There was an uncomfortable silence that engulfed the Presidential bunker.

"By their location you mean..." I trailed off, still shocked at what this meeting had turned in to. We had managed to get several things taken care of, which I found to be a success but now... this was turning into some sort of battle talk.

"By location I mean that we know their exact hideout and have been keeping tabs on them for weeks now. We have decided to inform you now because we believe that they may pose a greater threat than we originally believed. At first we thought they were rogue members of your planet, but after further investigation we learned they are from a different planet completely."

"I mean, I'm not thrilled you waited this long to tell us this, but at least you finally came clean." I all but muttered. I crossed my arms at her as I gazed at the proud looking woman.

President Shada sighed. "That's not all, Emily. We have known since the Naurians came to a Earth that there was likely many things being kept from us, however their willingness to comply with living on the base and follow our rules and guidelines allowed us to grow to trust you in some small way."

We stared at her, knowing full well they didn't trust us as far as they could throw us.

"But the Selarians have powers. Powers that we have no way of understanding without your help, since we are sure that you know more about it this than you originally let on." Now it was the President's turn to narrow her gaze at us.

The three of us visibly balked at her statement. I looked to Kade; this was completely out of my jurisdiction. I had no idea what they were willing to disclose to the humans.

Kade hissed out a sigh. "You would be correct that we have not told you everything, President Shada. But not to be deceiving. You can admit that if we showed our full capabilities you may have been less likely to help us and may have tried to start a war you wouldn't have come close to winning. We did not want unnecessary casualties on either side. While I will not discuss our abilities at this time, I can tell you more about the Selarians."

She gave him a curt nod in response, flipping open her now notorious notebook. She didn't say anything more as she awaited Kade's next words.

"The Selarians are our enemy. They are the true reason we came to your planet looking for a solution to our dying population. They killed over half of our women, and our species is not known for our fertility as it is. I do not want to frighten you, but their kind is known to be planet killers. There is no reason why they will not do the same to Earth."

This time it was me gaping at Kade. I hadn't thought they would bother with the humans; I thought they were only interested in following the Naurians and finishing their feud once and for all. Shada remained quiet, her brow now furrowed in obvious concern.

"This is quickly becoming a world issue," She all but muttered. She massaged her temples but remained focused on Kade.

He nodded solemnly. "Fortunately, we do have powers that are akin to theirs. While we are light, they are darkness. And our abilities correlate. In fact... we were once one people."

My head snapped up at this. I hadn't heard this yet. I stared at Kade with wide eyes.

"Tens of thousands of years ago, we were a fairly new race. Although we developed quickly technologically. There were two brothers whom had different ideas for how they wanted the planet to run. This ultimately led to a bloody, gruesome war that the Naurians won. They banished those that opposed them to outer space. Those that we call the Selarians are originally from Nauria, however when they discovered and settled on Selaria the sun morphed their powers into something completely different."

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