Chapter Nine

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     All I could take in was their terrifying eyes and the sheer size of them. There were so many of them, at least twenty and their attention was solely focused on me. Their muscled bodies towered over me and I resisted the urge to cower back.

I am stronger than that. I reminded myself numbly. 

A smooth, masculine sounding voice broke the silence between us.

"Well, looks like it worked. I didn't think they could pull it off. Guess this means we have to hold up our end of the bargain, huh?" One of the aliens piped up sarcastically. I looked up at him in shock; whatever I had been expecting them to sound like had flown right out of the metaphorical window. Hell, they were even speaking English.

"She looks just like us," Another marveled, peering closer. God, their accent was probably the most attractive thing I had ever heard.

I cringed back, away from his sudden proximity, not believing that this was actually happening. The army vehicle that had thrown me out onto the ground had long since sped away, across the dessert sand and exited a border-like checkpoint with armed guards and high fences before disappearing completely from sight. I had watched it turn in to a small little black dot in the distance. I was officially on my own.

"I wonder if her eyes are real or if they're trying to fool us with those squishy eye-saucers humans use to change the colour of their irises and correct their vision." Another piped in. I furrowed my brows at him in confusion, temporarily distracting me from the terror going on around me. 

Does he mean contact lenses? I pondered. Who says squishy eye saucers?

There were murmurs of agreement throughout the group of men. I resisted the overwhelming urge to roll my eyes.

All that were left around me were aliens. No one spoke as we studied each other. My eyes darted back and forth between them, considering the options laid out in front of me. One thing I knew for sure was that I didn't want to be brought inside their facility. I doubted I would ever get out if that was the case. They were probably far worse, much more brutal than anything I had experienced under the government so far.

Currently, no one was blocking the path between myself and the gate. I turned slightly, positioning myself so that I could make a mad dash towards the exit where the vehicle had left through. I had no plan once I got there and it would probably be at least a fifteen minute sprint, but hey; if the guards shot me at least it would be quick.

It was only seconds that passed between moment I made the decision to run and my body attempting to follow through with what my brain wanted, but I found myself unable to move my legs from where they were currently planted on the ground. 

"What the fu-?" I shrieked, startled with the foreign feeling of being unable to control my own body. I attempted to yank my foot from the ground and instead, it remained where it was, seemingly stuck to the dirt below. I inhaled, then exhaled shakily. 

I slowly looked back at the men behind me. My shoulders were tense and my muscles were strained with the unknown weight bearing down on me, making me unable to move in the slightest.

They looked like warriors. Like they could snap me like a twig if they really wanted to.

The one that looked to be the leader came closer, "Stop being a brat. Whether you like it or not, you are stuck here now. You might as well behave." His voice was cold and detached. 

Brat? My thoughts went wild, thinking of all of the ways I could kill him. Who did he think he was? It's not like I was throwing a tantrum because my latte was cold. I was literally tortured and turned into a mutant and then thrown into a den of aliens who wanted to do god knows what to me. 

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