Chapter Twenty Nine

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      I was stalling. I knew I was.

My mind was still swirling as Kade eyed the overnight bag I had suddenly decided didn't have enough to hold us over for the trip to meet the President. I threw it back onto the bed haphazardly and unzipped it, eyeing the closet reproachfully.

If I was being honest, I had never been in to politics much before my world practically ended and I was thrown into a world where my opinion suddenly mattered.

My father had always drilled into my mind that voting was important, so I had always done it... but, now that I was thinking about it I hadn't voted for President Shada. She had always seemed insincere on the television during debates. I began to dread what I was going to be walking in to.

"Is there any chance that this is a trap?" I voiced one of the many concerns plaguing my mind. I glanced at Kade, who was waiting by our door for me to finish packing my stuff. We had been just about to leave when I had felt the familiar feeling of a panic attack rising. I think he could tell, because he didn't say anything when I announced I had forgotten something.

His lips formed a straight line as he thought about the possibility. "I suppose we should be prepared for anything. However... I do not think so. We have only met with the President once, and that was when we first landed and were negotiating our rights on this planet."

He sighed. "I believe she thought that they had more power over us than they were thinking. There is no way that they know the full extent of our capabilities."

I chewed on my bottom lip as I threw a pair of soft leggings in the black bag. "Should I go alone? I don't think it's the best idea for the future King to walk straight in to a possible trap. I can feel out the threat and send word for you to come." The idea made perfect sense to me.

Kade growled. "Absolutely not. Emily, you don't even know how to fully defend yourself if something were to happen. There is not even a slim chance in Hell that I am allowing my mate to walk in to anything even remotely dangerous without any back up."

I massaged my temples, groaning. "Fine. But if anything happens to you, I will bring you back from the dead to kill you myself." I didn't even want to think about the possibility. Even considering left me feeling nauseous.

I zipped the bag slowly, wishing that we had more time to prepare. I felt more in control of my emotions than before but still not nearly ready.

Kade chuckled, "Come on, let's get this over with." He held his hand out to me. I threw the backpack over my shoulder and took his hand in my own. He led us out the door and down the hallway to the elevator. We stepped in and began our ascent to the ground floor.

"So how will we be getting there? Obviously you can't just poof us there like usual." My lip twitched in amusement as he digested my words.

"You're right... we can't poof there." He rolled his eyes, "we're not fairies, we don't poof."

I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah whatever you say. So, are we driving?"

He stared at me a moment before shaking his head in exasperation. "Yes, we are taking a van and driving to the airport on base where they will fly us to our destination. Where exactly that is, they haven't deigned to tell us."

I raised an eyebrow. "They're letting aliens drive a human vehicle in public?"

He scoffed. "No, I should correct myself. The government is driving us to their airport located on the base. It's not incredibly far from here."

I frowned. "I see why you feel like prisoners here. I think you have all proven yourselves by now and can use a little more freedom. We could use a little more freedom."

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