Chapter Ten

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I woke up to the almost comforting deep hum of the metal building. Compared to the stark white hospital-like walls at the government facility I had been in before, this was practically like Grandma's house. They hadn't hurt me... yet.

It was extremely dark in the room, being that there were no windows, so all that told me it was morning was the bright red numbers on the clock beside me. It was eight o'clock in the morning.

For aliens, they were acting pretty dang human. 

I sat up and stretched my sore body. I was finally starting to relax the muscles that had been coiled and ready to strike for the entire time I had been tortured. I knew that there was a strong possibility that the worst was yet to come, but for now it felt nice to breathe.

I caught the scent of my dirty body and cringed. "God, how did they stand to be near me?" I wrinkled my nose as I shot out of bed and towards the bathroom. I peeled off my gross clothes and stepped in to the scalding hot water that was streaming down from a fancy looking shower head. 

I looked down at my feet and watched as dirt and blood streamed down the drain and disappeared from sight. I breathed a sigh of relief. 

I massaged the shampoo provided for me into my hair, humming a song I had long since forgotten. It felt nice to do things that I had once taken for granted. I had no clue how long it had been since I had a moment alone like this.

I found a razor and sighed in relief. After finishing the much needed maintenance on my body, I twisted the knob that turned off the glorious water. Looking around the bathroom I cringed. Even in an alien encampment I steamed the whole room up. 

If my parents were still around, they would no doubt scold me that the dripping ceiling was going to cause mold. My heart squeezed painfully at all the memories that flittered throughout my mind. I sighed, grabbing a fluffy towel as I wrapped it around my body. 

I found a new toothbrush under the sink and some toothpaste and started to brush my teeth. I paused when I finally noticed there was no bathroom mirror in here. I pursed my lips, annoyed considering the fact I couldn't examine myself in the privacy of my own room. I really hadn't had the change to truly look at what they had done to me yet, besides my eyes, that is. 

Maybe mirrors aren't a thing here. I pondered to myself.

I scoffed at the thought. The aliens I had met were men. Attractive men, nonetheless.  They no doubt had mirrors somewhere in this facility to admire themselves and their muscles in.

I wet a fresh washcloth and ran it over my face. I was as ready as I was going to be for whatever was going to happen today. As I padded into my bedroom, I noticed that there were several pieces of clothing that had been laid out for me. I gingerly picked up the first one with my thumb and pointer finger, examining it closely. 

It seemed clean, and soft at least. I brought the fabric to my nose and inhaled deeply, trying to decipher the scent. It smelled delicious... but foreign. I also had no clue what kind of fabric it was, considering there were no tags on it. I rolled my eyes, deciding to put the clothes on and forget the small details for now. Everything the aliens had given me was black, much like the clothes they had been wearing when I met them. Besides one small golden symbol that laid over their hearts.

The fabric hugged my body in a nice way. And considering I usually wore things a little baggier for comfort, that was truly saying something. I slipped on the sweater and leggings, as well as the socks and found a surprise, black pair of sneakers by the door. 

Everything was exactly my size. 

I sat down on my bed and buried my face in my hands. I had allowed myself to get too comfortable too fast. These people had planned for my arrival for a long time. They had my sizes, my bra size, for gods sake. And they had known all along at what price I was going to have to pay for their science experiment.  

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