Chapter Twenty-Three

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     I stared at Kade mutely, my mouth opening then closing once more as I tried to figure out how to respond to what he had just said. Was life ever going to stop throwing me curve balls?

"Great. That's fantastic," I grumbled. The chills had begun to rake up and down my spine already. I felt anything but in the mood. In fact, it almost felt like I was coming down with the flu, if I was to compare it to anything I had experienced before.

Kade's lips twitched up in amusement. "Don't worry. I know you aren't ready for children. I've already arranged for Doctor Ama to provide contraceptives. We will move as slowly as you wish."

Despite my nerves, I grinned up at him. "Thank you. I appreciate it."

He nodded, "Now come with me, my father has arranged to have brunch with us. He wants to discuss the program further and your training. Although, things will have to be pushed back a little now." He gave me a devilish grin and I resisted the urge to touch or punch him. I couldn't quite decide.

A part of me didn't want to give in to the fire that was slowly spreading across my skin. It wasn't the same as before; I definitely wasn't at risk for turning in to an actual fireball, or at least, I didn't think I was. It felt different... but I could definitely understand why it was called heat.

"Where are we meeting him?" I asked absentmindedly as we walked down the metal passageway. Kade's attention shifted quickly to a sound coming from down the hall. Before I realized what was happening, he had wrapped his arm around my waist and within milliseconds we had become no more than air, reappearing right in front of King Kagorth himself.

My feet stumbled slightly as my mind and body caught up to what had just happened, "Oh, hi, your Highness!" I gave Kade the side-eye for not allowing me the chance to mentally prepare for our meeting with his father. I was beginning to feel quite overwhelmed for what felt like the millionth time since I had started my damn job hunt.

Kagorth laughed heartily. "It's good to see you Emily. Please just call me Kagorth. You are my son's mate, no need for the formalities." Despite his words, I gave him a small nod of my head as I had seen many of the Naurians do around him. Kade chuckled.

I gave him an awkward smile, unsure of how to respond. I turned to Kade. "What was with the disappearing act?" I asked him, trying to keep the annoyance from my tone. I was sure he could still pick up on it though. I hadn't exactly been known as subtle since our first meeting.

Kade still looked a little on edge. "Several unmated warriors were nearing us. I don't know if I would have been able to stop myself from attacking them if they came too close to you."

The King's eyebrow went up. "Yes, I see there's been some changes." He laughed slightly. "I'll let Magda know. She has been looking forward to uncovering all of Emily's hidden talents and teaching her how to use her powers to her full potential. I know that many of our other students are curious about you as well."

Kade looked proudly over at me. "I'm sure they are. In the meantime, until it is safe for her to be around other males I think it would be a good idea for Emily to have one on one sessions with Magda."

My mind wandered to how classes on Nauria worked. Were they the same as human universities? I made a mental note to probe further in to it later tonight.

The king nodded his agreement. "Yes, until Emily is more comfortable with our customs and our people, and once you two have gotten the chance to deepen your relationship I think that is a good idea. I will let Magda know. They can meet in the arena before the warriors train."

Don't say it. Don't say it. I willed the words away from my lips. I was so damn stubborn.

Nope. I was saying it anyways.

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