Chapter Eighteen

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Happy Valentine's day, Lovers!

If you don't have a special someone today, I hope you find the fuzzy feelings within this story and know that I love and appreciate you! Thanks for reading. Enjoy!


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     The voices I could hear over my pounding headache made it sound like I was under water

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     The voices I could hear over my pounding headache made it sound like I was under water. I felt like I was floating, ebbing and flowing with the tide as I slowly came to. They were speaking in a language my foggy brain couldn't comprehend as I began to regain my consciousness.

What happened? I thought, trying to remember what caused my body to feel so utterly drained. Oh right. Even the tone of my thoughts were flat as I recalled that Connor had shot me with zero remorse. He hadn't even batted an eyelash when he had embedded that bullet into my stomach instead of Kade's.

Kade. The thought of him caused my consciousness to slam back into me at an incredible force. Blinding pain came along with it as I let loose a groan of distress. Even moving in the slightest caused an unbearable pain to twist in my stomach.

I felt someone at my side immediately. I recognized his comforting scent as my body relaxed in to his gentle touch. I pushed aside any lingering drowsiness and pried my sore eyes open, wanting to see him more than anything. My eyes felt dry; as if I had been crying for days.

Who knows, maybe I had. The thought crossed my mind. I blinked several times, clearing my blurry vision.

His handsome face was mere inches from my own, his blue eyes sparkling as my own widened in surprise. I would never get used to looking at him. He was the most gorgeous person I had ever laid eyes on. It was as if every time I looked at him, it was for the first time. My eyesight had improved drastically since I had become a Naurian; it was as if I was constantly mesmerized.

"Hi," My voice croaked out. I winced again at the movement of my stomach.

"Hi yourself." He mumbled, sounding troubled and frustrated. He almost seemed angry at me.

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