Chapter Thirteen

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      "Are you going to put some clothes on?" I hissed out, frustrated with my obvious ogling of his muscled chest.

God, sharing rooms was not off to a good start; and we had only been in here for two damned minutes.

Kade's sinful lips drew up into a delicious smile. "Are you sure that's what you want, Emily?" His voice sent shivers up my spine.

I pursed my lips at him in annoyance. My body temperature was very delicate if earlier was any indication and he was not helping me control it at the moment. I didn't exactly want to go up in a ball of flames again. I didn't see any fire extinguishers nearby and I wasn't particularly feeling like catching their only place to live on fire.

"Yes, you doorknob." I responded flatly, stomping over to the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind me.

How was I supposed to pee with him in the same room as me?

I groaned indignantly. My face was beet red as I glared at my reflection in the mirror. I paused, taking a moment to take in my appearance yet again. I couldn't get used to the eerie eye colour. I still felt like a stranger in my own body.

Will I ever feel normal again? I pondered sullenly, missing my dull, boring human complexion. If I woke up and this had all been a bad dream, I would never complain about the odd zit ever again.

I pinched myself just for good measure. I hissed out in pain and grimaced when nothing happened. Nope, I was really hiding in the bathroom of a room that I had to share with a hot alien man.


A voice on the other side of the door called out. "I'm going to get something to eat. Are you going to come or continue to wallow in the bathroom pathetically?" Kade's voice was flat and lacked any emotion.

The bastard.

"As long as I don't have to eat with you. Your face would make me lose my appetite." I responded, opening the door to find him leaning against the doorframe lazily.

He had put on a tight fitting black t-shirt that accentuated his muscled biceps. I was very aware I was being an annoying thorn in his side but couldn't seem to make myself stop. Something about him just made me... bothered. In more ways than one.

He merely raised an eyebrow before turning on his heel and leaving the room without another word. I opened my mouth to protest before shaking my head instead as I ran to catch up to him. He clearly didn't care if I ate or not.

My growling stomach told me that I needed to care as I followed him out the door.

"They will be delivering food to us down here for the foreseeable future, as I'm sure you've realized by now you're not exactly stable at the moment." Kade's tone implied that he wasn't just talking about my physical state, but rather my emotional state as well.

I scowled at him in response.

"Classy." I growled, following behind him a step. This place was entirely new to me. We were deep underground, however no longer under the protection of the solar rocks that had lined the training arena. I knew I had to be on my best behaviour.

He led me to what looked like an enormous commercial kitchen with only two plates of food set on the counter top. They had been generously filled with food, however yet again, I had no clue what kind of food it was.

Kade pulled out a stool and dug in to the meal. There was an assortment of purple and blue vegetables on the plate and what looked to be a steak. Of what animal... I had no clue.

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