Their daughter (MLBxDC)

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Marinette was NOT in fact the daughter of Tom and Sabine Dupain-Cheng, however, she was, the daughter of Aquaman and Wonder Woman (It had been a one time thing, and it had happened LONG before the J.L. was created.) anyways, with both of her parents having extended lifetimes, (Idk know if that's true, I hardly know anything about the DC Universe.) Marinette had lived hundreds of years before she was introduced to a "normal" society, shortly after Marinette was being introduced the the modern day society, she was *Gasp* kidnapped! By the Order of the Guardians and trained to be a Guardian of the Miraculous, AND trained to wield ALL of the Miraculous.

Soooo. . . Many, many, many years latter, Marinette found herself in Paris, defending the city against a Miraculous that was rightfully HERS. She made some friends, blah-blah-blah-

Oh! and the Liar came and screwed everything up! and then the temporary holder for the Black Cat Miraculous got corrupted, and she took his Miraculous, so yeah. . . Marinette beat Hawkmoth and Mayrua, and once all the Miraculous were back in her possession, she did something the Guardians could only dream of, and survived, seeing as she wasn't full, or even mostly human. She merged the Miraculous with her skin, the jewelry became tattoos littering her skin, Marinette was so powerful, she could (IF she wanted to) turn into a creature of her youth, a dragon, or more specifically, a FIRE breathing Dragon, not that she ever did turn into a dragon, because where's the fun in that?

So, anyways, after the whole Lila ordeal, Marinette flees to a place that was safe during her childhood, but a place, that is now, the HQ for the Justice League.

When Marinette arrived at her supposedly safe location, she was shocked to see the building, and even MORE shocked to be taken 'into custody' (they just brought her into a meeting) "Hey guys? I found something. . . " Red Robin said as he led Marinette into the meeting room, and to the shook of everyone there, she ran forwards, and trapped Wonder Woman in a hug. and before anyone knew what was happening, Aquaman joined the hug too.

Marinette pulled back, tears dripping off her face. "Mom! Dad! You guys are alright!" they both nodded, and then, a few seconds latter, the rest of the people in the room's brain's caught up with them, and they all yelled (almost simultaneously)

"WAIT! MOM?!! DAD?!! WHAT?!!"

Yep- so- uh- yeah- I hope you liked it Daminette_addiction I tried my best, I don't really know how well it worked out from another prospective.

ANYWAYS, Thanks for reading, and don't forget to request what you want to read!

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