I'm sorry wHAT?! (MLBxDC)

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Not gunna lie, I forgot this existed with all the shit that's been going down in my life recently. (Discovered I was raised in a cult but can't leave, because I'm legally a minor... I'd had my suspicions, but in light of new information....) ANYWHO!
Thanks to the two people who reminded me that I needed to update!

Marinette was sitting peacefully in the back of her class listening to Mrs. Busiter go on about something trivial.... When her phone rang.

"Marinette, please answer it on speaker." Mrs. B said, and Marinette complied, without checking who had been calling her.

! You'll never guess what just happened!" And excited voice called from the other end, and Marinette giggled.

"Oh? Whatever happened?!" She asked in a playful voice, and the person responded.

"My mother just told me that I'm to be married in the coming fall!" at this, Marinette started full on laughing, before suddenly realizing something.

"Wait. What? Does your dad know your mom said that?" Marinette asked, and the person on the other end laughed, and responded;

"No, I figured my fiancé should be the first to know."
Que more laughter, and some very confused classmates.

"Wait! Imma call your dad!" Marinette started, "and tell him I'll marry his son! And then, in a week, tel him you're getting married!"
Damian laughed at that, and Marinette hung up and called Bruce Wayne.

"Hello. This is Bruce Wayne. Who am I speaking too?"

"That's irrelevant Monsieur Wayne! The only thing that's relevant is that I'm going to marry your son!" Marinette exclaimed, then hung up.

"The hell?!" Alya yelled, but Marinette ignored her.

A week passes, and Marinette and Damian are calling each other to tell of the reactions the people had expressed since the phone calls.
Finally, the day came.

"Father." Damian started, standing in the entrance to the family room, where the entire family was located.

"I am going to get married" To which, he was met with a stunned silence

"I'm sorry wHAT?!"

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