Sorta angst? Happy(ish) ending.

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ANGSTY CHAPTER! -but not really- Because why the hell not? Hey! It is too going to be angst! -I mean, if that's what you want to think- What the hell is that supposed to mean! I'M THE AUTHOR! -Sure sweetie.-

Marinette hadn't showed up at school. All week. It wasn't uncommon for the girl to show up late, but she'd never, and I mean never miss a day, let alone a week. and so, the Akuma class was worried about their friend, they decided it would be best to visit her, and see if she was alright. However, they still had to get through Homeroom before they could check up on her.

Halfway through class, Mrs. Cheng showed up. The class was shocked, most of them had never seen Mrs. Cheng outside of the Bakery, or her house.

"Mrs. Cheng?" Mrs. Bustier asked the woman, who snapped out of whatever daydream she'd been in, and looked around at the class, before responding. "Caline? S-she's- she's gone." now it was Mrs. Bustier's turn to be confused.

"What? Who's gone? Where?" Sabine looked back at Mrs. Bustier for a second, before her eyes began to wander again. "M-Marinette. Marinette's g-gone. The, the cemetery-" however, before Sabine could finish, she broke down into tears. Collapsing on the floor sobbing. Now the class, and Mrs. B. were truly confused. Sabine Cheng wasn't one to fall apart, at least, not easily. What was going on? Where was Marinette? What had happened to her? Why was Mrs. Cheng crying. What did the cemetery have to do with anything?

Suddenly, Alya made the connection, "W-wait, Marinette's, Marinette's dead?" Sabine nodded, wiping the tears from her cheeks, although they remained in her eyes, "How?" Alya's broken voice asked, and Sabine,

"She drowned. That was the last bit anyways, the bit that killed her." the class was heartbroken, and it took them a moment to register what she'd said. "Last bit?" someone asked, but nobody really knew who, nor did anybody care. Sabine nodded again.

"She was kidnapped, and- and tortured. She- she managed to escape, but, not completely herself. She decided to go for a walk, thought it would help, but, he- he- pushed her over the bridge, into the currents, and, and, she's, she couldn't swim that well."

After a few minutes of hard-core sobbing- Marinette came into the room!

Ok! PAUSE! WHAT?! Let's read that sentence again, shall we? "After a few minutes of hard-core sobbing- Marinette came into the room!" I'm sorry, but what?! Look at it again. "After a few minutes of hard-core sobbing- Marinette came into the room!" I THOUGHT I KILLED HER! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING>>> I'm fixing it. Nobody wants to read angst. OH?! I'M SURE SOME OF THEM DO! Ok, so maybe some of them do. But not all of them, and you know that. SO?! I'm writing the fucking thing! NOT YOU! Ok, I'm taking over, because Miss Incompetent over there doesn't know how do do her job. HEY I KNOW HOW TO- Shut it.

So if you want a happy ending, keep reading, if not. Leave now.

The class looked at her, then realized it was the girl they were LITTERALY just crying over! "Marinette?" Nino asked, his voice shaky, and Marinette turned smiling. "Yes Nino?" she asked, her perfect angel voice ringing through the now silent air.

"H-how?" Marinette laughed. "You didn't think Ladybug would save me? You have such little faith in her."

Ok, I'm happy with that. Have a wonderful day, all of you! Does that include me? No. You can go to hell. Mean! No one cares. I'm sure somebody does!! No, I think not. You do! You can't hide anything from me! Well, I mean- Ok. . . ok. . . I get it. Yeah? well, please go to hell now, so I can finish my outro. Fineeeeee SHUT UP!

As I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted, Have a wonderful day peeps!

I recently discovered this chapter had been un-posted to here it is again: un-changed

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