-My Real story- Chloenette

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Hi guys! 

Um, so I'm going to put a condition on requests, actually, it's more of a 'I probably won't understand' because I watch like zero tv (not true, but I know like none of anything.) ANYWAYS, the request is please, don't request a movie/game plot, because I probably won't know what the hell you're talking about, and I feel SO BAD telling you that I don't know what it is. 


Story info:

Marinette and Chloe are lesbian, 

Marinette's 'crush' on Adrien was just her admiration for him as a person, and she discovered that BEFORE the stalking stage! -Alya knows this- 

Chloe never liked Adrien, seeing as they were childhood best friends, and she juST NEVER SAW HIM THAT WAY, she's just like that with close friends? idek. 

Marinette and Chloe have crushes on each other, but no one knows it.

Marinette hadn't been doing so well, her parents had died, the both of them, and she was trying to handle it all by herself. Marinette had been running the bakery, paying the bills, and all of that stuff. On top of school. And nobody had caught on yet. Well, Nobody except for a certain blonde haired girl.

"Marinette?" Chloe asked the girl, who was curled up tightly on the floor of the back room in the bathroom. (A.K.A. The mothers lounge- but honestly, they're in a lot of bathrooms, and people don't use them so much in a school setting so it just becomes a hang out spot.) Said girl looked up startled, and Chloe could see the tear tracks on her face. "C-chloe? W-what are you d-doing here?" Chloe smiled softly at her. 

"Oh Marinette, I'm so sorry." Marinette looked shocked, her jaw dropped, and she barley managed to get out a "why?" Chloe sank to the floor next to Marinette.

"Because, I-i was horrid to you, I- I ruined your life. I hurt you because I was . . . jealous of you." Marinette looked even more shocked, if that was possible. "You? Jealous of me? Why? You're gorgeous, and talented, and yeah, you can be a bitch, but you can also be really nice!"  Chloe smiled,

"Aww, thanks Marinette, that's so nice of you. But really, you came from a loving home, with parents, and you were so nice, and pretty, and had lots of friends," Marinette chuckled a bit. "You don't know my real story. . .do you?" Chloe's eyes widened as she caught the implications, 

"Wait, wait, what?" Marinette smiled sadly and softly before beginning her tale. 

"I was born in Marseille, France, it's a city of the coast of the Mediterranean Sea. My mother, a famous super thief, and my father, who never knew of my existence, Spiderman. I never met my father, he moved back to NYC, and Ma never wanted to contact him. My mother raised me to the best of her abilities, but alas, she could not stave off the need to steal. As a young girl, my mother taught me to steal as we moved from place to place, city to city, country to country, although we mainly stayed in France. On one such Caper, my mother was shot, 28 times, she. . . didn't survive. I was 7 at the time. I wandered the streets of the city I had grown to know, as mother loved to steal in Paris, but this time I wandered feeling so lost without my mother, I bumped into Tom and Sabine, who took me in. Tom became abusive after a time. . . after I'd told him who mother was. . . . and then and there, I promised myself to never tell a soul where I'd really been before that, or who my real parents were. . . . . But I needn't have worried. Everybody assumed I was their daughter. The years passed, . . .and just recently, . . Tom and Sabine died in a car crash, and I've been taking care of all since than." (Why the fuck- no. Where the hell did I get this idea? I got no fucking clue, but AY I decide to do it anyways.) 

Chloe looked completely shell-shocked. before suddenly asking, "Wait, by yourself?! How long?!" Marinette sighed looking at her feet. "6 months." Chloe shook her head violently.

"Ah hell nah. You are moving in with me. ASAP."

Awwww. This was supposed to be a Chloenette story, but you all saw how that went. . . soooo yeah. Maybe I could make it romantic. . . if I did a part 2. . . . but idk if I should. 

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