You left me (pt. 2) (MLBxDC)

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Marinette stood in front of the famous Wayne Manor. She could hardly believe that this was her fathers house.... logically she'd known this, as Marinette, unlike he brother, had always been aware of who their father was.
Sighing, Marinette knocked on the door.
After about 2 seconds an older gentlemen opened the door and Marinette gasped. He had the energy one only got from holding the Peacock Miraculous...
"How may I help you Young Lady?" he asked her, and Marinette smiled sadly at him.
"Alfred Pennyworth I presume? I came here to see my twin brother, but I believe I should speak to you first."  Marinette had learned about the last season of  Holders during he training to be a Guardian with Master Fu. (Pretend Alfred's first name isn't publicly known) Alfred's eyes widened almost comically, and he asked,
"May I know how you know my name Miss-?" Marinette smiled at him.
"Marinette. And as for how I know your name.... I believe we should discuss that in a more... private... Setting. " Alfred nodded an led Marinette to a room where they wouldn't be interrupted.
There was a second of silence, then Marinette asked,
"You were a Holder of Dusuu, right? Master Fu told me..." Alfred's eyes widened.
"Are you the current Guardian?! But your so young.... What happened to Wang??" Marinette half-laughed.
"Yes, I am. I'm Marinette Al Ghul-Wayne, current holders of the Ladybug Miraculous, and Guardian of the Miracle Box. It's nice to formerly meeting you Monsuier Pennyworth." Alfred smiled.
"You'd be Damian's twin then? He's mentioned you... How did you become a Guardian AND a Holder at such a young age? And call me Alfred. " Marinette frowned,
"Yeah. I'm Damans twin, as for how I became a Holder and a Guardian.... The Peacock and Butterfly Miraculous fell into the wrong hands... And a villain was created. Long story short, Master Fu was forced to give up Guardianship in order to prevent his knowledge from falling into the hands of the villains... And I'll call you Alfred if you'll call me Marinette. " Alfred nodded, understanding that it was a sensitive subject.
"Alright then Mis-Marinette. I assume your like to see your brother?" Marinette nodded and Alfred led her to the family room, where the entire Bat-fam was located,
"We've arrived Marinette." Alfred said, holding the door for Marinette.
Damain shot up again this name, running over and giving Marinette a hug.
"Nette??" he asked half-sobbing into her shoulder.
"Uhhh what?" Tim asked, unsure weither or not here was hallucinating again.
"Who's this?" Jason asked suspiciously, and Alfred grinned.
"This, Master Jason, is Master Damian's twin Sister Marinette." everyone in the room except Damian and Marinette gasped.
"You called her by her first name?!"
"Damian had a twin???"
Marinette laughed and pulled away from her twin.
"He called me by my first name, because I'm just that awesome, an yes, I'm Damians twin sister."

Hope you guys enjoyed this Part 2!! ❤️❤️❤️

Also- this is unrelated, so you can skip if you don't want to read this-
I'm lactose intolerant, but growing up I had a lot of stuff that had lactose in it, so I just had to pee really bad if I had lactose, but recently I'd stopped having things with Lactose in them, and my intolerance got worse. (I didn't know that at the time tho-) anyways, there's a bad condition in my family if you don't intake a lot of calcium in your teen years your bones will be hella fragile when you're old.
And as I'm sure you know, almost everything that has calcium in it, also has lactose (and I love milk) So Yh... now it's really painful if I have lactose but ig it's a sacrifice I have to make...

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