The Coffee shop girlfriend -Timari- (requested)

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Marinette had landed in Gotham about a month ago. So far, she hadn't encountered any villains.... which she thought was strange, but she wasn't complaining.
It was around 9 in the morning, and Marinette was comfortably seated in her favorite cafe, working on a design when she was interrupted, by a question.
"Hello miss. Do you mind if I sit here? There are no empty tables." A boy, about Marinettes age, and obviously sleep deprived asked, and Marinette chuckled. "Of course you can." The guy nodded his thanks, sat down, and pulled out a laptop, diligently working on whatever it was.
And this became routine. Every morning Marinette would sit at her table, and half an hour latter, he would sit with her. Eventually they started asking about each other, and they became great friends..... until Tim asked her on a 'date' which, of course, she said yes too. As they had bonded over coffee, they decided that they would go on a date- to another coffee shop.
Ofc, the batboys we're getting suspicious of the sleep deprived boy, so they decided to follow him!!
They followed him to a coffee shop, and the batboys looked at each other like 'ofc he goes to a coffee shop why did we question it??' W
When Marinette showed up, and caught his hand before they went inside. (This is months after their first date, but most of their dates are to coffee shops, ok???) and kissed him. Dick literally fell of the lamppost he was perched on, and crashed into the ground.
Tim groaned when he realized his brothers had followed him, but Marinette she laughed.
"Pleasure to meet you..... Richard Grayson-Wayne." Duck and Tim gasped, and Marinette chuckled again. "I suppose you want to know how I knew that?" Greeted by nods, she continued "well, it's simple really, I just reach out for your life force... and even if you dress up in that horrendous outfit, you lifeforce is the same"
Dick and Tim blinked at her. And she laughed again. "Alas, I'm from Paris, so I am used to hero's and villains so you can trust I would not tell a soul."
The other batboys landed next to them, and Marinette didn't even appear startled. She just smiled at them.
"What do you mean your used to hero's and villains?" Marinette smiled sadly. "Ladybug and Her team were always taking down Akumas. It was a very lucky day if no one was akumatized...." she trailed off getting lost in her thoughts. Suddenly she shook her head, and said "but not to worry, because Ladybug took down Hawkmoth a little over a year ago...."
And I'm EVIL so I'm going to leave it there!
I hope you enjoyed!!!!

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