This is crazy! Lukanette(MlbxDC)

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Im sorry for ditching you for so long!!
I'm here with a short  lukanette fic!

Marinette sighed happily. Luka asleep next to her, head on her shoulder. She relished moments like these, where she was able to spend time with her boyfriend, uninterrupted.

Then her phone went off. Groaning, Marinette grabbed her phone.

Selina (Kyle)

Wonder what she wants.

FaceTime. Of course.

Marinette picks up the phone.

"Selina? What's up?" Marinette asked in a half-hushed tone.

"Mari my darling! I've just called to tell you- wait" Selina paused, staring at Marinette's... shoulder? OH SHIT LUKA!

"Is that a boooy?" Selina asked, a sly smile spreading across her face. Marinette groaned into one of her hands (she wouldn't dare move the other while Luka was asleep on it, she wasn't a monster for gods sake)


"No, shush, you don't get to talk, you have a boy asleep on you." Selina stated, then turning away from the phone, she hollered

"BOYS! GET OVER HERE! MARINETTE-" she didn't even have to finish before all the batboys were stuffed into the room trying to get a glimpse of their beloved adopted sister.

"Boys-" before Marinette could really get started, Dick gasped.

"Mari! Is that your boyfriend!! Oh I'm so happy for you!"

Tim screeched.

Luka, unfortunately, woke up.

"What's-" he started, before slightly sitting up, yawing, stretching, then rubbing his eyes, "going on?" He yawned again.

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