Marinette Stark (MLBxMCU)

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Hello all! I apologize for my.... Irregular updates, as it is, I have.... Well you could say I've fallen out of the fandom.
@LadybugsChaton1 I hope you enjoy!!!
Marinette Stark, the daughter of Tony Stark, is a wonderful person. She's kind, and sweet and beautiful and bold, and strong.
Marinette has always loved the more artistic yet hard/dangerous activities, as such, her favorite hobbies are fighting, fencing, and ice skating.
Now, I bet you're wondering why Marinette's in Paris, not in New York with her dad, right?
Well the short answer is that she's there for protection, even though she could defend herself- I'm getting off topic. Anyways, in Paris Marinette pretends to be the daughter of her dads friend Sabine, and Sabines husband, Tom.
Knowing the whole world had seen glimpses of her, and that her personality was also well known, Marinette re-made herself.
She went from the kind, confident, strong, and dangerous young woman to the shy, weak, nice, pushover.
Marinette had left New York to avoid the hero's and villains and such, but noooo. The first year she was there, a magical supervillain had to show up. Just her luck.
Marinettes father was aware she became the super heroine Ladybug, and despite asking her not to, he respected that she had to, and did his best to help her with it.
And if that wasn't bad enough, a pathological LIAR had to show up and ruin her school life~
Lila had taken all of Marinettes friends in Paris, well. All but Chloe and Kagami, (I didn't feel like adding Luka- or even Chloe and Kagami, sooooo yeah their not going to be in the story other then a few brief mentions) because they met Marinette LONG before she ever showed up in Paris.
The class had taken to beating the girl when they got the chance- which wasn't very often as Marinette was careful to avoid them as she didn't want to have to fight them, and it would ruin her 'pushover' persona.
Under the direction of Alya, Max made a "spy-fly" a little robotic camera that could pass itself off as a fly.
Ofc, the night after it was made, the class sent it to go spy on the bluenette.
When it got there, Marinette was hugging and African female, who was dressed smartly.
"Shuri!!!! How's it going?!" Marinette exclaimed pulling away from her childhood best friend for a second, only to hug Shuri again.
"Hey Marinette! How are you? Wait, no. How's the girlfriend???" Marinette laughed. " I don't know let me ask her." Marinette paused, turning away from Shuri, then asking over her shoulder, "yo, Shuri, my friend wants to know how you are." At this, both girls cracked up laughing, and soon fell to the floor in tears.
The classmates were shocked. Marinette had a girlfriend?? She had a girlfriend? And this... self- confident side of her, they'd never seen it before.
Marinettes phone rand and suddenly both girls stopped laughing and sat up, starring at the phone.
After a second, Marinette rushed over and picked up the phone- a FaceTime from a contact labeled 'dad'.... But Tom was asleep... so who was that?!
Marinette answered the call, wiping her eyes. And the familiar face of Tony Stark popped up on the screen.
"How's my favorite daughter?" He asked, then caught sight of Shuri. "-and soon to be daughter-in-law?"
And that's when the class realized they had made a BIG mistake. They had bullied Tony Starks DAUGHTER. They quickly had the spy-fly leave, as they didn't want to- yeah. (Actually it's because I didn't know how to end this- so yeah.)

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