This is Crazy Lukanette (MLBxDC) Pt 2

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"PIXIE POP?! THE HELL?!" Jason yelled through the screen, and Marinette flinched.

Luka, now fully awake, glared at the phone.

"Are you being held captive Angel? I'll murder him for you!" Damian proclaimed in a panicked tone.

Marinette laughed

Tim passed out.

"Boys- this is my boyfriend."

Stunned silence...

A minute passes


And finally. Bruce breaks the silence with a firm statement.

"You're too young to date."

Marinette pauses and looks at him.

"Bruce, c'mon, really. I'm 18!"

"No. You're not allowed to date. Ever" Bruce declared with a scowl.

This was followed by a round of agreement.

"Tim?" Marinette asked, hoping he'd see reason. Tim, who'd just stood up, shook his head.

"Damian?" Damian growled a low noise, a clear no.

"Jason?" Jason simply turned away.

"Dick??" Marinette pleaded with her eldest brother, Dick laughed.

"Not a chance darling."

Sighing dramatically, Marinette turned to face Luka, who was throughly confused.

"I'm sorry Luka, I'm not allowed to date... I guess we can only be friends" Luka, catching her drift, smiled

"Of course my love, whatever makes you happiest"

This proclamation was followed by a volley of "no!"'s

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