A butterfly -Maribat?-

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Hi again people!

What's this? I'm already getting back on top of my life!

I would like to thank all of you who reached out to me and my family, and those who told me they didn't hate me, and are there for me to talk to.

ANYWAYS! As a thank you, this is a one-shot I've been working on..... since I woke up.

Heh. Don't ask how I came up with this..... truthfully, I don't know.

Marinette and her class had gone to Gotham, including Lila. Not to long ago, Lila had turned all but Marinette's TRUE friends against her, as such, Marinette was constantly escorted by her own 'MPS' including Kagami, Chloe (REDEEMED but ya'll know that-) Luka, Nino (The inside man), and Alix.

Their net tour was in (ofc) the Wayne Gardens, One second, their tour guide (Who's name was Dick?) was leading them, talking about.... well, whatever it is that tour guides talk about, and then, they caught sight of a butterfly.

Not just any kind of butterfly, but a purple butterfly. So, as any Parisian would, they all took off in different directions screaming....

Anywho, for Dick he was doing a routine tour, well, it was in French, but whatever, he was leading the tour group through the gardens, when suddenly, they all took off, (except for the MPS) screaming and running around like chickens with their heads cut off.

Kagami giggled, both at the gobsmacked expression on Dicks face, and at her classmates. Leaning over, she said "Look at all those chickens!" in a child-ish tone, and the MPS burst out laughing.

Dick walked over, and asked, "What's going on?" as he stood by them, he noticed that the others stood.... protectively around a girl with Bluebell eyes, and Navy-Blue hair, who was wearing a Harley Quinn themed outfit. . . all she needed now was a traumatic past, and BOOM Bruce would adopt her- the girl with pink hair responded, interrupting his thoughts "There was a purple butterfly." she said, as if that solved the question.

Dick however, didn't know what the significance of that was, and just looked even more confused, it reminded Chloe of a lost puppy. She laughed, and said, "They thought it was an Akuma, but we're half way across the world, so.... it probably wasn't." Dick blinked. "An Akuma?" he asked, still confused, the only boy with the group (Luka, Nino is the inside man, he's not with them) gasped

"You don't know what an Akuma is?!" he almost yelled, the girl, in the center, spoke up. "Lu, Gami, Lix, Chlo. (Do you like my creative nicknames?) He isn't from Paris, be mindful of that." it was obvious to Dick that she was the leader of the group. She turned back to Dick,

"An Akuma is a.... possessed butterfly that prays on negative emotions. Turning those who dare feel anything negative, Heartbreak, Greif, Guilt, Pain, Sorrow, Loneliness, really any negative emotion, and turns them into monsters."

Dick just stood there blinking at them as if they'd grown another head.


Later that night


"Hey Tim, what's an Akuma?" Dick asked his adopted brother. Tim looked up from his coffee, then back at his coffee, and said,

"An Akuma is a magical butterfly that has only been spotted in Paris for he last.... 189 years. 189 years ago they were spotted in Argentina. That's the earliest record I've found of an Akuma. Why?" (I know technically this isn't true, but ehhh I wanted to include it anyways)

"It's nothing. The tour group saw a purple butterfly and flipped out." Dick said as he walked out.


The end.

I'm sorry. I know it's short....


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