You're screwed :) (MLBxDC)

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Hey loves!!! I'm working on getting this up and running again, so requests are welcome?, and will probably be done within 2 weeks of receiving them!

Marinette sighed, she didn't want to get married again...

Marinette had been betrothed to the esteemed heir of the League of Assassins Mistress Chilvani, (this is Ra's great-grandmother {not actually, this is a OC Ig? for the sake of the story- I don't usually write OCs, and I'm sorry if having one instead of correct data upsets you}) however, when Marinette was frozen in time, for a very long time, Mistress Chilvani had died, and her son had died, and her grandson had died, and her great-grandson had become an old man.

Let me explain, Marinette was Princess of the Order of the Guardians, holder of the Ladybug AND Chat Noir Miraculous, and could wield any of the Miraculous,  but primarily used the ones of the Grand Box, anyways, she was betrothed to Mistress Chilvani, who was born in the same year as her, to try and help stop the war between the Guardians and Assassins, and so, she was made to spend lots of time with her betrothed, and they fell in love.

All good things must come to an end though, Marinette had been using one of the minor Miraculous to help train the Kwami, when the Kwami messed up, it ended up trapping Marinette in ice, essentially killing her, but not being able to actually kill her, as her soul was just so.. there because she was the holder of both the Ladybug and the Cat Miraculous.
Mistress Chilvani was devastated, and demanded that her now frozen betrothed be moved into her throne room.

Many, many, many years later, Marinette finally thaws, unfreezing, into a world where the Guardians were destroyed by one of their own, and her love, is dead,

Of course, when Ra's Al-Ghul found out that she's thawed, he betrothed Marinette to his daughter, Talia.

Blah, blah, blah, so on and so forth, Marinette and Talia fell in love, went through with the ceremony, lived happily as assassins, and a Guardian, and lovers.

The whole thing with how Damian was conceived happened, and he grew up with two loving mothers, one with a twisted/cold side of his biological mother, although his non-biological mother, Marinette, was sweet and loving, although she only taught Damian how to fight using the Miraculous, and hand-to-hand combat, as well as first aid.

When the League was attacked, Marinette and Talía took Damian to his fathers, although Bruce never caught sight of Marinette, she was there.

Talia and Marinette returned to the League to rebuild, but it was a half-hearted attempt as neither of them really wanted the league to become the way it was.

They created a new, and improved version of the League, bettering it.

Talia encouraged Marinette to finally pursue her dream of becoming a designer.
So Marinette did, under the alias of "PMAG" Princess Marinette Al-Ghul, and designed for people around the world,

Damian was seated at the dinner table with the family, thinking of his mothers, when Dick suddenly said,

"You'll never guess who I just commissioned!!" the batfam looked at him, confused, and he continued with a smug smile,

"PMAL" he stated, and Damian gasped, he recognized those initials, his mother had told him that's what she'd have gone by, if she ever became a designer.

"Damian?" Tim asked, as he had noticed the gasp, Damian glanced up at his brother, he turned back to Dick, and asked,

"How did you commission PMAL?!" Confused, Dick responded with,

"I emailed them???" Damian then sighed, and asked,

"Can you give me the email? Please?" Cue more gasping, Damian doesn't say please, this had to be important to him.

-a few months later-
The batfam is on patrol.

A feminine figure in a ladybug themed suit, flipped onto the roof, in front of Robin, and before anyone could react, she hugged him, and Robin hugged back.

"Mama?" Robin asked, that one simple word causing many gasps from the other vigilantes in the area.

"My darling, little bug! A pleasure to see you my dear" the lady said, smiling at the boy.

"Of course Mama, may I ask why you're here?" Robin asked, and the lady chuckled,

"Isn't it enough that I missed my baby?"

"Mama. Why?" Finally? The woman gave in.

"Well— I maybe sorta killed Deathstroke and your mother doesn't know, but she's about to find out, and I figured if I came to say hello-" she was cut off by other thud, this one was Talia, Damian laughed, scaring his other family.

"You're screwed Mama."

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